Lately considerably the role of sociological methods increased at development of modern control system by multiprofile health care establishment for acceptance of the grounded administrative decisions, in fact establishment of health protection is the frame of society, where leading positions are occupied by a human capital. In the article the results of study of satisfaction are presented by terms and payment of labour, system of motivation in the multiprofile health care establishment. Research is conducted among physicians at the bottom of the State Institution of Science «Research and Practical Center of Preventive and Clinical Medicine» State Administrative Department during July, 2015 by continuous sociological research with the purpose of receipt of reliable information on satisfaction by terms and payment, and also by the system of motivation. 66 doctors (58 women, 8 men) are polled, a review was 100%. Middle age of respondents made 50,2±14,7 years. The survey was conducted on a specially designed structured questionnaire, which included socio-demographic characteristics of respondents and factors affecting the level of satisfaction with working conditions and salaries, as well as related to existing incentive mechanisms. As a model scale assessment of individual survey questions used Likert scale total count, in which respondents were asked to express their degree of agreement or disagreement with some set of statements. The analysis of research results was conducted in the statistical packages of analysis of Medstat. The methods of descriptive statistics, construction of multivariable logistic models of regression, are used with the estimation of model adequacy by the analysis of the crooked operating descriptions (ROC – Receiver Operating Characteristic curve analysis). The optimum threshold of decision-making for a model is chosen the method of maximization by index of Youden Index. To assess the degree of connection attributes factor resulting in the value of relation of chances (VSH) and its 95% CI (confidence interval). The levels of satisfaction among respondents were estimated the terms of labour and professional activity after 10 factors (technical condition of the premises, health conditions, and necessary equipment, provision of computers, access to Internet resources, electronic databases, working hours and working time, load level, wages, psychological climate in the team, attitude guidance for employees, system of internal and external quality control of medical care). The results of this study showed that most respondents were quite satisfied with the technical state of premises (41.3%) and more satisfied than dissatisfied (36.5%), a total positive responses provided almost 80% of respondents. According sanitary conditions are satisfied 85.7% of respondents, including 47.6% completely satisfied, 38.1% - rather satisfied than dissatisfied. Regarding the necessary equipment, the 31.7% of respondents reported that fully satisfied and 44,4% rather satisfied. Almost similar downgrades and provision of computers and access to Internet resources, electronic databases (respectively 47.6% of respondents are quite satisfied, 36.5% more satisfied than dissatisfied, 6.3% indicated their complete dissatisfaction, and to 1.6% was hard to answer). Assessment elements material impact on wages conducted by the following characteristics: sufficientness of wage level, dependent on the size of the premium cost of work on preventive measures (identifying patients at risk factors for the disease, including behavioral), volume and quality of the performed work, the results of individual and group work on prevention attachment population. Respondents' assessment of the factors that may affect the increase in their productivity, showed the importance of the following characteristics: substantial growth of wage level (76,2±5,4% respondents); the financial personal interest in the results of labour (74,6±5,5%); prospects and possibility for in-plant training (73,0±5,6%); bonus additional charges for a volume and quality of prophylactic activity (69,8±5,8%); the use is in practice of effective methods of prophylaxis and treatment (69,8±5,8%); access to the network the Internet (63,5±6,1%); account at determination of stimulant part of wages only those indexes on which a worker is in a position really to influence (57,1±6,2%); a guarantee of stable work and prospect for quarry growth (55,6±6,3%); use of workstations, electronic register of patients, electronic document circulation (50,8±6,3%). During the leadthrough of analysis of factors which are related to the risk of dissatisfaction the level payment of labour, the method of construction is applied to the analysis of multivariable logistic models of regression. To construct the model used five factor variable associated with the risk of a negative assessment of remuneration: the importance of increasing administrative control of labor discipline, the importance of substantial wage increases, the importance of premium surcharges for the amount and quality of prevention activities, the importance of the practice effective methods of prevention and treatment, the importance of consideration in determining incentive wages of only those parameters to which the worker has the opportunity to influence. It is set the conducted sociological research, that only 58,7% physicians at the bottom of the SIS «RPC PCM» SAD consider the level of wages sufficient. 98,4% respondents, immaterial, – 92,1% respondents specify about importance of wage incentives. Important in determining size wage is a volume and quality of the executed work. Priority measures on an assistance the increase of payment of labour is reorientation of activity on wide introduction of prophylactic technologies, especially at the exposure of chronic noninfectious diseases and introduction and use in practice of local protocols. Among the intangible incentives of increase the reason of workers there are positive reviews from patients, comfort psychological situation in a collective, respect of members of collective.
Keywords: motivation, wages, material and non-material incentives
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