ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 53 of 59
УЖМБС 2016, 1(1): 257–259
Physical training and Sport

The Structure of the Competitive Activity from Hand-to-Hand Fight

Radchenko Yu.A., Radchenko A.A., Minenko O.V.

The aim of the research work is to investigate competitive activity of sportsmen from hand-to-hand fight on All-Ukrainian completion during 2012-2015. The main task of the research work is to determine main tendencies of competitive activity, study temporal, quantitative and qualitative peculiarities of technical and tactic actions, define possible trends of the correction of the coaching activities. The materials and methods. Theoretical analysis, generalization of special literature, pedagogical observations, conversations, generalization of specialists’ experience was used in this research paper. The analysis of video materials was used to study the peculiarities of competitive activity. The analysis was done according to the next indices: the duration of the fight in the standing position and prone position, density, quantity, quality and the structure of technical and tactic actions. Results and their discussion. 33 competitive fights were analyzed in order to analyze and study the structure of competitive activity from hand-to-hand fight. Technical and tactic actions were done by 917 sportsmen. During the investigation frequency of offensive actions, the interval of the fight (average time between successful and unsuccessful fights) and interval of the successful fight (average time between all successful fights), determined that these indices were 4,37 sec. and 11,97 sec. The analysis of technical and tactic actions proved only 37% (from the total number of technical and tactic actions) were estimated by the referee. The analysis of temporal peculiarities of competitive activity showed the majority of fights, especially 70% sportsmen compete in the standing position and only 30% in the prone position. It has been determined the competition in the standing position sportsmen did 93% of technical and tactic actions (from the general number of technical and tactic actions), so 84% of time of fight sportsmen used impact equipment and only 16% fight techniques. The analysis of impact equipment showed sportsmen used in 73% right-and-left hands, and in 27% they kicked. Further analysis determined that sportsmen use straight blow and lateral blow (hook). Conclusions. Realized analysis of qualified sportsmen from hand-to-hand fight defines, modern hand-to-hand fight is dynamic kind of sport with wide variety of fights and kicks techniques. Advanced sportsmen get only the victory that can redevelop during the fight and also use successfully fights’ and kicks’ techniques. Major part of the competitive fight sportsmen use the standing position and also straight blows and lateral blows (hooks) adding attacks with lateral blows and different throws. The use of these technical and tactic actions is determined by the peculiarities of the rules from hand-to-hand fight.

Keywords: hand-to-hand fight, competitive activity, technical and tactic actions

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