ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 55 of 55
УЖМБС 2022, 7(5): 361–368
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Indicators of Competitive Activity of Teams of Different Qualifications in 3x3 Basketball

Yatskovskyy V. V., Melnyk V. O., Kovtsun V. I.

The purpose of the study was to determine the qualification differences in the structure and content of the competitive activity of teams of different qualifications in 3x3 basketball. Materials and methods. Indicators of competitive activity of highly qualified teams in 22 games of the 2018 World Cup and indicators of competitive activity of qualified teams in 38 games were analyzed. Quantitative indicators of execution and implementation of technical and tactical actions were identified and their effectiveness was calculated in five groups of indicators. Results and discussion. The average indicators of the duration of the game of teams of high qualification are smaller both in the total time of the game and in the indicators of "net" time. The number of executions and the effectiveness of one-point shots are higher in skilled teams, but the efficiency of the specified component is higher in highly skilled teams. The performance of two-point shots (number of shots, effectiveness and efficiency) is higher in highly skilled teams. In the indicators of the adjacent group, significant differences were recorded only in the total number of losses per game, which confirms the high intensity of the game in the competitions of highly qualified teams. The study of the differences in the indicators of the tactical group revealed that the skilled teams reliably prevail in the number of offensive actions with the help of individual actions. However, at the same time, the efficiency indicators are better in highly qualified teams. A study of the indicators of conducting attacks with the help of group tactical actions showed that the advantage in almost all indicators is on the side of highly skilled teams, except for the number of one-point shots and the efficiency of the implementation of two-point shots. Differentiation of group tactical actions by duration (number of passes) showed that highly skilled teams prefer longer attacking actions in order to bring the player to a comfortable position for a shot. Conclusion. Characteristic features of the structure and content of the competitive activity of teams of different qualifications are a shorter duration of the game, a smaller number of attacks and throws by highly qualified teams, higher indicators of the effectiveness and efficiency of throws by highly qualified teams, and the absence of differences in the effectiveness of free throws. Qualified teams have significantly more turnovers. The overall quantitative indicators of execution and effectiveness, indicators of execution and effectiveness of one-point shots during the use of individual tactical actions by players of highly qualified teams are significantly lower (p <0.01) than the mentioned indicators of qualified teams. It was found that the group tactical actions of highly qualified teams are aimed at completing attacks with a two-point shot, which in most cases is confirmed by a significant advantage (р <0.01) over the indicators of quantitative performance and performance of qualified teams. However, at the same time, the indicators of the performance of two-point shots are not significant (p >0.05), but better in qualified teams

Keywords: 3x3 basketball, competitive activity, performance, efficiency, qualification differences

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