ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 44 of 46
УЖМБС 2022, 7(1): 324–330
Physical training and Sport. Reviews

Physical Training Principles for US Land Military Service Personnel according to FM-7-22

Romanchuk S. V. 1, Oderov A. M. 1, Tychyna I. V. 2, Klymovych V. B. 1, Homanyuk S. V. 3, Baldetskiy A. A. 2, Smovzh M. A. 2

The purpose of the work was to study the structure and content of the Guidelines for Physical Training of the US Army. To solve the goal, the following tasks were formed: to analyze the main components of the guiding document, their tasks and directions of implementation; to determine the basic principles of organization and content of physical training in the ground forces of the US armed forces. Materials and methods. The main materials were scientific articles, archival data, guidelines on the organization, structure and content of physical training in the armed forces of NATO and the United States. To achieve this goal, a set of general scientific research methods was used. First of all, we used the story because it allows us to describe a wide range of issues. At the same time, the use of different sources of information helped to minimize subjective views and judgments, but they preferred literary and documentary sources, using a critical approach to their choice. The formation of a circle of literature sources was carried out after their search in the Scopus, SPORT Discus, Web of Science database. The temporal aspect of the appearance of information on certain topics was also taken into account. Similarly, there was a direct study of printed literature sources, including information from journal articles on lists of used literature. In total, more than 60 sources of information were analyzed, followed by a final review and 28 sources of literature, including 10 foreign authors, the material of which was processed using general scientific methods. With the help of the method – theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, we obtained scientific information on the research topic. Results and discussion. The work determines that the Physical Training Manual consists of three main chapters, which reveal the methodology for organizing physical exercises with military personnel. We have isolated seven principles, according to which the content of physical training classes is formed at different stages of military service and its various conditions. The main direction of all principles is the interdependence of the physical readiness of military personnel and the effectiveness of the performance of combat training tasks. Conclusion. It has been proved that the opinion of the majority of domestic experts on the formation of the content of forms of physical training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine does not differ significantly from the provisions of the governing documents on the physical training of the US Armed Forces

Keywords: physical readiness, military personnel, organization, control, physical training, system

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