ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 34 of 46
УЖМБС 2022, 7(1): 248–253
Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy

Features of Physical Condition and Health and Planning of Physical Rehabilitation of Male Patients of the Second Age of Maturity with Hypertension Associated with Diabetes Mellitus

Korytko Z. I. 1, Maistruk M. I. 2, Haiduk O. A. 3, Prymachok L. L. 4, Chornenka H. V. 1, Matviyiv V. I. 1

The purpose of the study. In order to plan physical therapy measures to restore the health of men of the second age of maturity with hypertension associated with diabetes mellitus, there is a need to study the peculiarities of their physical condition, functional capabilities of the body and reserves to take them into account in developing individual physical rehabilitation programs. Materials and methods. Two groups of men were examined. The first group of men was the main group aged 51.2±4.8 years (n = 30). They had hypertension associated with diabetes mellitus. The second group was the control group of healthy men aged 49.8±5.1 years (n = 20). The level of health was assessed by assessing the degree of depression on the PHQ-9 scale. Indicators of morpho-functional state of the organism (body mass index, heart rate, blood pressure) were determined. Parameters have been calculated to characterize the reserves of the cardiovascular system. For this purpose, the indicators of the Robinson index, coefficient of economy of blood circulation and adaptive capacity were calculated. In all subjects, the peculiarity of blood parameters in terms of carbohydrate metabolism (glucose, mmol/l; glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c,%); insulin, mcU/ml; HOMA index, U) and lipid spectrum (cholesterol, mmol/l; triglyceride level, mmol/l; high density lipoproteins, mmol/l; low-density lipoproteins, mmol/l; very-low-density lipoproteins, mmol/l; atherogenic index, U) was studied. The risk of premature death from cardiovascular system accidents was assessed according to the SCORE index. Results and discussion. Patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus, compared with their healthy peers, showed a higher level of depression on the PHQ-9 scale (98.1%, p <0.01), reduced adaptive capacity and reserves of the cardiovascular system, which was confirmed by an increase of the level of indicators of the Robinson index (by 42.8%, p <0.001) and coefficient of economy of blood circulation (by 62.7%, p <0.01). In men of the main group, the parameters of hydrocarbon metabolism and lipid spectrum are disturbed. There was an increased risk of cardiovascular complications and premature death by the value of the SCORE index (by 341.4%, p <0.01) compared with healthy men in the control group. This approach to research has made it possible to take into account parameters that outline age-related problems and are not unique to people with overt hypertension and diabetes. Conclusion. The identified features of the impact of hypertension and diabetes mellitus on certain parameters of physical condition and health in men of the second age of maturity will make it possible to take them into account when developing a program of physical rehabilitation and emphasize their correction

Keywords: physical therapy, hydrocarbon metabolism, lipid profile, cardiovascular system

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