ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 68 of 68
УЖМБС 2021, 6(5): 478–485
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Application of Unjustified Indicators of Performance of Government Programs in the Field of Physical Culture and Sport as a Factor of Non-Certification

Panchenko Vadim 1, Olkhovyі Oleh 2, Oderov Artur 3, Klymovych Volodymyr 3, Rolyuk Aleksandr 3, Romaniv Ihor 3, Dovgan Oleksandra 2

The purpose of the work was to study the application of individual performance indicators in the State Targeted Social Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports until 2020 as an important aspect of compliance with state social standards and guarantees for the provision of social services in physical culture and sports and its effectiveness. Materials and methods. The study used theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific literature, documentary sources and guidelines in the field of physical education and identified the main problems of the physical training system. Results and discussion. The central executive body did not provide the use of available pre-published and statistically sound reference indicators, did not analyze its own statistics on the development of reserve sports and statistics of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine on the permanent deterioration of the demographic situation of the population of Ukraine. As a result, it was not possible to create conditions for training in children’s and youth sports schools for 270,506 children aged 6 to 18, which, in our opinion, made it impossible to form a full-fledged reserve sport. At the same time, even the increase in funding by the leadership of the united territorial communities in 2020 could not affect the development of reserve sports by attracting up to 13 percent of children and youth aged 6 to 18 to classes in children’s and youth sports schools and made it impossible to comply with state social standards. Conclusion. In the course of our study, the indicators of the effectiveness of the State Targeted Social Program and the dynamics of growth of reserve sports were analyzed and the destructive factors that affect the effectiveness of the formation of reserve sports were identified. Among other things, the use of knowingly inaccurate professionally unsubstantiated data for the formation of some basic and at the same time socially significant indicators of reserve sports growth in the State Targeted Social Program was revealed, as a result of which youth sports schools in terms of their funding, the number of which as of 2020 decreased from to 1231 children’s and youth sports schools instead of 1298 children’s and youth sports schools planned for funding in the State Targeted Social Program

Keywords: State Targeted Social Program, physical culture and sports, reserve sports, performance indicators, public policy, sustainability

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