ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 57 of 68
УЖМБС 2021, 6(5): 401–407

Assessment of the Mental Working Efficiency of Teachers of Different Categories and Specializations

Latina H. O., Kalynychenko D. O.

The relevance of the study is confirmed by the sustainable development goals of the United Nations General Assembly resolution "Transforming Our World: An Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030". The third goal is “good health and wellbeing”. It aims to ensure healthy lifestyles and promote well-being for all at all ages. Therefore, caring for the professional well-being of teachers through the diagnosis of pathological conditions is the first task in the field of occupational health. The purpose of the study is to assess the weekly dynamics of the mental performance of teachers of different pedagogical categories and professional groups. Materials and methods. To study the mental performance of teachers, the method of dosed assignment according to the tables of V. Ya. Anfimov was used. 51 teachers of three age groups were examined: 31-40 years old (16 people), 41-50 years old (20 people), 51 and above (15 people) of institutions of general secondary education. Results and discussion. The dynamics of teachers' mental performance in terms of attention indicators is characterized by an increase in the level of performance at the end of the working week. Friday's job performance significantly outweighs Monday and Wednesday job performance. The performance curve in terms of the performance of teachers of different age groups corresponds to the general dynamics. A significant difference was established between the indicators of the coefficient of work productivity in all age groups at the end of the working week Age differences in the dynamics of mental performance are formed due to an increase in the number with a decrease in the quality of the work performed by teachers of the older age group at the end of the working week. Such dynamics corresponds to the age-related dynamics of the development of human working capacity and demonstrates the compensatory effect of professional experience on the age-related stabilization of the reliability of mental activity. Conclusion. The weekly dynamics of the mental performance of teachers depends on the level of the pedagogical category; in particular, the optimal weekly dynamics is inherent in teachers of the first category. The performance of teachers in different professional fields differs. An increase in the volume of attention by the end of the week (p <0.05) and a tendency to an increase in the accuracy indicator in the middle of the week among teachers of philological subjects, mathematics and primary grades were found. High work intensity at the end of the week, accuracy – at the beginning of the working week (p <0.05) for biology and chemistry teachers. Prospects for further research are in the analysis of indicators of mental performance of teachers, depending on the intensity of the labor process

Keywords: mental performance, health, prevention, teachers

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