ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 46 of 68
УЖМБС 2021, 6(5): 329–334
Forensic Medicine

Prevention of Defects of Medical Care in Obstetrics and Patient Safety

Babkina O. P. 1,2

The question of determining the improper performance of their professional duties by health professionals due to negligent and dishonest relation to professional duties, which leads to serious consequences, including fatal ones, in patients remains open. To address these issues, criminal proceedings are opened, which are entered into the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations on the grounds of a criminal offense under Part 1 of Article 140 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The purpose of the study was to analyze the situation with the quality of medical care by obstetricians and gynecologists and the analysis and synthesis of defects identified during forensic examinations. Materials and methods. During the study, 30 cases of medical care by obstetricians and gynecologists were studied and analyzed, and an analysis of the identified defects in medical care was performed. Results and discussion. One of the medical specialties in which there are cases of improper performance of professional duties is obstetrics and gynecology. Special knowledge is required to clarify the circumstances relevant to the criminal proceedings, to establish the presence / absence of defects in the provision of medical care, as well as to establish a causal link between the identified defects in the provision of medical care and the occurrence of serious consequences for the patient, so there is a need for forensic examinations. As a result of our analysis, we found that obstetricians and gynecologists in most cases provide quality medical care, in accordance with generally accepted recommendations. However, during forensic examinations, defects in the provision of medical care were still observed both in the organization of medical care and defects in diagnosis, treatment and prevention. These can be both defects in the form of inaction of the doctor, and defects in the form of performance of action which is shown, but executed incorrectly by the doctor at rendering of medical care. In 22% of medical care for pregnant women we found the presence of defects (in the form of inaction of the doctor), which led to serious consequences. Сonclusion. However, it should be noted that these cases are unsystematic and rather an exception to the general practice. In the future, to prevent the occurrence of defects in medical care, it is necessary to timely identify defects and analyze them, conduct medical consultations, clinical conferences, continuous professional training of doctors, which will significantly improve the provision of medical care in obstetrics

Keywords: medical care, defects, patient safety, obstetrics

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