The purpose of the study was to carry out a comparative analysis of the possibility of detecting early signs of articular changes in the temporomandibular joint with cone-beam computed tomography and ultrasound. Materials and methods. 20 patients with complaints of temporomandibular joint (16 women and 4 men) were examined who stated that the first symptoms associated with the joint appeared from 6 months to 1 year. Examination of patients with temporomandibular joint pathology included consultation of the patient by a dentist with the involvement of radiation research methods. During the examination by dentist, the odontogenic nature of the temporomandibular joint disorders was excluded or confirmed. Cone-beam computed tomography and ultrasound of the temporomandibular joint were performed in all patients according to standard methods. The comparative analysis was carried out on the basis of clinical examples with the conclusions of a specialist doctor in the field of radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy. Results and discussion. Pathology of the temporomandibular joint due to morphological and functional changes occurs in 40-75% of adult and occupies the third place in the list of the main nosological forms of dental diseases. At the same time, it is known that the use of radiation methods for diagnostics of surgical pathology in maxillofacial area of odontogenic and non-odontogenic etiology in the Republic of Belarus is provided by clinical protocols. A comparative analysis of the conclusion of patients who underwent cone-beam computed tomography and ultrasound of the temporomandibular joints allows us to conclude that ultrasound examination allows us to state early changes occurring in the temporomandibular joint. Therefore, the possibility of early diagnosis contributes to the appointment of an adequate and rational complex of therapeutic and rehabilitation measures which is important for stopping the progress of pathological changes. Also with the help of ultrasound, it is possible to establish signs of the development of various forms of osteoarthritis which are not detected on the cone-beam computed tomography at the initial stages of development. In addition, ultrasound allows to visualize changes occurring in soft tissues such as the articular disc which is not available for cone-beam computed tomography. Conclusion. The obtained results allow us to recommend ultrasound examination of the temporomandibular joint as a screening method and a method of the first level of examination in order to detect pathological changes from both bone and soft tissue structures of the joint as early as possible
Keywords: temporomandibular joint, radiation diagnostics, cone-beam computed tomography, ultrasound examination
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