Blood transfusion service and its social component – donorship must be the priority areas of the state policy because the results of its work are of paramount importance. The main task of the blood transfusion service is supply of high quality components for blood transfusion therapy. Quality of blood components is compliance of properties and specifications of the blood component supplied to the recipient with the set standards. Strict order of conformance with the approved regulations and procedures is important at all technological states and is a cornerstone of blood transfusion service products quality. All actions, planned and implemented, starting with planning donorship and ending with the finished product manufacturing and storage conditions, are important for ensuring the quality as the final result. The purpose of the study was to determine the content of total, platelet and free serotonin in the plasma of primary and active blood donors for further use of the studied parameters to assess the quality of platelet concentrate. Materials and methods. 160 blood donors (118 men and 42 women) were examined, including 110 active donors (85 men and 25 women) who donated blood regularly at least 3 times a year and 50 primary reserve donors (32 men and 18 women), who donated blood for the first time. Primary reserve donors formed a control group. For the convenience of systematization and reproduction of scientific research results, objectification in comparing research data, all examined active donors, depending on the duration of donor experience and, accordingly, increasing the probability of occurrence of hidden platelet metabolism disorder, were divided into three subgroups: subgroup I – 51 donors (39 men and 12 women), whose donor experience lasted from 2 to 5 years; subgroup II – 31 donors (24 men and 7 women), duration of donor experience which ranged from 6 to 9 years; subgroup III – 28 donors (22 men and 6 women), whose donor experience lasted 10 years or more. The method of fractional determination of biological amines – serotonin – is presented in preliminarily dried biostrate specimens. The method described includes some extraction procedures with optimal controlled pH values necessary for isolating serotonin, producing fluorophors in accordance with orthophtaldialdehide and ninhydrin, the subsequent fluorimetric estimation of their levels being performed on the native fluorometer «БИАН». Results and discussion. It was found that active donors compared to control, have a level of free serotonin in peripheral blood platelets which was significantly higher. Biochemical shifts were revealed in the background of certain morphological changes of platelets. Possible pathophysiological mechanisms of the detected changes are discussed in the article. Conclusion. Active blood donation is accompanied by significant changes in the morphological parameters of platelets and the content of free serotonin in peripheral blood platelets. Further study of platelet hematopoiesis of active blood donors is required
Keywords: blood donation, donors, peripheral blood, platelets, free serotonin
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