Physical education contributes to the rational solution of practical problems of general health, educational and upbringing nature, taking into account the analysis of the psychological aspects of physical education. Therefore, it is extremely important to study the psychology of tennis players. The comparative analysis revealed that among the respondents with high indicators of success the motivation to success affects the development of self-control, self-esteem, the level of pretensions. In the sample of unsuccessful athletes the level of attempts influences the development of self-esteem, emotional instability, and motivation to avoid failure. Emotional instability of the athlete reduces the level of self-control and motivation to succeed. Within the framework of the study of personal features of tennis players with the highest and lowest indicators of success, we received data that successful athletes are able to manage their feelings, thoughts, actions in conditions of emotional excitement or depression, growing fatigue, unexpected difficulties, failures and other unfavorable factors. The purpose of the study was to define psychological features of the personality of tennis players. Materials and methods. The sample size was 16 people (Irpin Sports School), 8 of them with high success rates (taking into account the results of competitions, the number of victories, the importance of competitions in which they participate), and 8 with low. The age of the subjects varied from 16 to 18 years, the respondents take part in tennis competitions, according to their age category. The following validated methods were used in the study: 1) "Willingness to take risks"; 2) "Self-actualization test"; 3) Diagnosis of personal attitude "Altruism-egoism". Results and discussion. According to the results of the study by the method of "Risk readiness" by Schubert, it was found that tennis players with high success rates of 62.5% have an average level of risk appetite, and 37.5% – a low level. In contrast, athletes with low success rates have an average level of 37.5%, a low level of 50%, and a high level of 12.5%. According to the results of the test "Altruism-egoism" we can see that tennis players with high success rates have a more pronounced selfish tendency (62.5% of respondents), while athletes with low success rates have a selfish tendency in 50%. Conclusion. As a result of the study, we found that the success and failure of the athlete in sports depends on the peculiarities of the personal characteristics of the athlete. The main characteristics of the psychology of a tennis player were also revealed, which helps to expand the knowledge of sports psychology in the field of tennis. This study can be the basis for further theoretical, empirical research, as well as methodological developments in the psychology of professional tennis
Keywords: psychology of sport, tennis, psychology of tennis players, psychological features of a tennis player, psychology of tennis
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