ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 14 of 39
УЖМБС 2021, 6(2): 101–107
Clinical Medicine

Analysis of Factors Causing Appearance of Food Hypersensitivity in Toddlers

Matsyura O. I. 1,2

Food hypersensitivity is a reaction to the food consumed, regardless of the pathogenetic mechanisms that cause the symptoms. It is an actual and controversial problem in pediatric practice. Nowadays there is an active search for the causes of disease progression, a large role is given to the study of genetic and external factors (food, environmental, social). This disease arises many questions due to the similarity of the clinical representation in different kinds of food hypersensitivity and in different pathogenetic mechanisms, which are involved. The purpose of the study is to perform the analysis of factors, which cause appearance of food hypersensitivity in toddlers. Materials and methods. A study of the number of children with food intolerance was conducted using a specially compiled questionnaire. Thus, 4,500 questionnaires were distributed in pre-school and medical establishments to question parents. Results and discussion. Analysis of 3,214 questionnaires was conducted, which enabled to obtain information from parents on anamnesis and living conditions of toddlers. Values of 56 factors were analyzed, calculating correlation coefficients with a formation of food hypersensitivity for each of them. Statistical analysis allowed distinguishing 15 signs among these factors, which significantly correlated with the formation of food hypersensitivity in young children. The investigation enabled not only to detect factors that affect formation of food hypersensitivity in young children, but also to suggest a mathematical model of individual calculation of risk factors for this pathology. Data of conducted mathematical analysis can be used for elaboration of a complex of prophylaxis measures on development of food hypersensitivity in toddlers. Conclusion. The formation of hypersensitivity to cow's milk in children is provoked by the presence of contact reactions in the child, adverse reactions after medication, positive family history (bronchial asthma in relatives, skin diseases in parents (father and / or mother)), smoking in the family, living in the city; at the same time, preventive factors are living in an apartment, in a new building, in a dry apartment. The formation of food hypersensitivity in young children is generally provoked by a positive family history (bronchial asthma, hay fever, urticaria, diseases of the stomach and duodenum in relatives, skin diseases in parents), smoking in the family; frequent consumption of food in a mass catering points; living in the city plays a preventive role

Keywords: food hypersensitivity, toddlers, risk factors, preventive factors, analysis

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