ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 6 of 58
УЖМБС 2020, 5(6): 51–58
Medicine. Reviews

Current Issues of Medical Support of Innovative Scientific and Pedagogical Projects

Sotnikova-Meleshkina Zh. V.

The modern education system is characterized by the introduction of new, specialized, and author's programs, which are highly variable, accompanied by the intensification of the educational process, increasing the total workload, reducing physical activity, and deteriorating the structure of the daily routine of students. Such changes in the organization of the educational process lead to an increase in the level of pathological lesions, asthenoneurotic reactions, and symptoms of dysfunction of somatic systems. A particularly vulnerable category of students is gifted children, who on the one hand, experience discrimination at school due to the partial lack of differentiated learning, focus on the average student, and excessive unification of programs that do not take into account individual learning opportunities. On the other hand, intellectually gifted children showed a decrease in overall reactivity and tension of adaptation mechanisms, greater susceptibility to acute infectious diseases, the presence of autonomic disorders, hypotension and syncope, more often registered pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, and allergies conditions than at the "average intellectuals". Therefore, this category of students needs a special approach and a deeper study of the impact of elements of the learning process on their health. Two separate areas of research have been formed by now. They are related to the study of psychological and pedagogical aspects of teaching children on innovative educational technologies, on the one hand, and the state of health of schoolchildren, on the other hand. However, only a few studies have been conducted where these two areas are combined and the direct impact of the educational process on new educational projects on disorders in morphofunctional, psychoemotional, and general health of students is determined, risk factors of the educational process are identified and recommendations for the prevention of school maladaptation are provided. Conclusion. Information analysis of scientific sources on current issues of education and medical care for gifted children and adolescents shows the interest of society in conducting further medical and pedagogical research to develop preventive measures to preserve their health. There is an urgent need for hygienic optimization of educational activities, proper regulation of innovative pedagogical technologies, development of appropriate guidelines for the prevention of school maladaptation

Keywords: school health, academically capable children, intellectually gifted children, scientific and pedagogical project, educational program

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