ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 51 of 58
УЖМБС 2020, 5(6): 349–354

Evaluation of the Distribution and Basic Directions of Prevention of Tobacco Smoking in Schoolchildren aged 11-17 (Regional Aspect)

Latina H. O., Zaikina H. L.

The relevance of the study is determined by the development of preventive measures regarding bad habits in the younger generation, based on estimates of the prevalence of smoking depending on the region of Ukraine. The purpose of research was to assess the prevalence of smoking and to develop areas of prevention among adolescents 11-17 years old. Material and methods. Estimation of the prevalence of smoking among students in secondary schools in Sumy was carried out as a part of the regular Global Survey of adolescents in accordance with the WHO global tobacco control system. The study involved 1557 adolescents 11-17 years old (grades 5-11) in 2018. Results and discussion. As a result of the survey, the absence of significant differences in the specific weight of the answers of those wishing to try smoking (54.08%) and those who do not aspire to such an attempt (45.92%) was found. The age of the first attempt to smoke is 12-13 years (26.87%). A lack of smoking habits was found in 69.68% of respondents as opposed to 8.6%. The “dangerous” smoking spots for teens are the house, the house of friends, parties and the street. Unfortunately, modern teens begin to smoke other forms of tobacco besides cigarettes (11.62%); have a high awareness of electronic cigarettes (90.42%). The prevalence of tobacco smoking is 17.36%, which is 9.34% less than the prevalence rate in 2013, which indicates a downward trend in smoking among adolescents 11-17 years old. In addition to preventive measures to combat the spread of smoking, scientists are also working on programs to get rid of this bad habit and, according to S. Kalkhoran et al. should be used, along with behavioral support, pharmacological therapy to get rid of the bad habit. The following measures should be actively used: Quit-line - targeted programs for smokers; development of preventive measures based on the assessment of the causes of smoking; intersectoral cooperation in the creation and implementation of educational programs on tobacco prevention (doctors, teachers, psychologists, social educators); change the form of providing information on nicotine addiction, the dangers of smoking, the need to quit the habit, steps to overcome addiction; additionally introduce measures on the motivational and value attitudes of modern humanity (negative perception of the smoker by society, a healthy able-bodied person - the path to success and prosperity, etc.); develop preventive measures to prevent smoking of other forms of tobacco; to strengthen the psychological support of prevention measures in the direction of finding the personality of the adolescent, the uniqueness of the choice of future life path, professions, hobbies; to introduce training in economics "Planning your own budget". Conclusion. The development of preventive measures in the fight against smoking, today, should include a transfer of hygienic, psychological, pedagogical, medical measures to search for new methods of reporting information about the dangers of smoking, gaining experience in non-smoking and getting rid of bad habits

Keywords: smoking, bad habits, health, prevention, adolescents

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