ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 40 of 58
УЖМБС 2020, 5(6): 268–274
Forensic Medicine

The Problem of Safety of Free Circulation of Weapons under the Flaubert Cartridge on the Example from Forensic Expert Practice

Shcherbak V. 1, Sapielkin V. 1, Musiyenko D. 2, Lavrynenko O. 3, Melnyk S. 3

Pistols and revolvers under the Flaubert cartridge 4 mm caliber, which are common in Ukraine and are intended primarily for training shooting, find alternative applications, in particular for plinking (entertaining shooting at non-standard targets - bottles, cans, etc.), and for self-defense. This leads to a natural increase in cases of intentional or accidental infliction of bodily harm to citizens, which is further investigated in forensic medical practice. The purpose of the study was to analyze the striking properties of Flaubert cartridges 4 mm caliber, which are in free circulation in Ukraine, as well as the nature and features of their injuries on the basis of data obtained in forensic practice in the study of the corpse of a victim with a gunshot head injury. Material and methods. The material of the study was a case of forensic medical examination of a severe gunshot wound to the head when fired from a revolver under Flaubert cartridge, which led to the death of the victim. Results and discussion. From the materials of the criminal proceedings it is known that person N., being in a state of intoxication, during a sudden quarrel with person K., 43 years old, fired at close range from a revolver "SCHMEISSER" model 430 in the face of K. As a result of the shot, the victim received a penetrating blind bullet wound to the craniofacial area with lesions of the left eyeball, bruising of the left hemisphere of the brain with the formation of intracerebral hematoma along the wound canal, with hemorrhagic permeation of the lateral ventricles of the head. Complications: edema, brain dislocation, meningoencephalitis, ventriculitis. This injury is directly causally related to death and shows signs of grievous bodily harm as life-threatening. Conclusions. The case of fatal head injury when fired from a revolver with a Flaubert 4 mm cartridge indicates that when firing at close range bullets of these cartridges, depending on the anatomical location of the damaged area of the body, have the ability to cause life-threatening or fatal injuries. The above, in combination with the free circulation of 4 mm weapons under the Flaubert cartridge and ammunition for it, clearly illustrates the potential danger of using these weapons to society. Therefore, the issue of control over the circulation, use and storage of this weapon and ammunition for it is extremely important. To do this, it is necessary to propose for sellers and owners to introduce accounting for the sale and purchase and simple registration of these weapons. There should be identification and application of sanctions for improper use, storage, loss, modification of the design of weapons or ammunition. For manufacturers, it is necessary to establish additional requirements for the design of these weapons, aimed at its weakening. Free circulation of all models of these weapons that do not meet certain design requirements must be prohibited

Keywords: gunshot injuries, damaging properties of bullets, Flaubert cartridge, weapon for cartridges of 4-mm Flaubert caliber

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