ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 36 of 58
УЖМБС 2020, 5(6): 247–251

Features of the Influence of Tobacco Heating Systems (GLO and IQOS) on the Oral Tissues Condition

Ilchyshyn M. P., Furdychko A. I., Barylyak A. Ya., Fedun I. R., Gan I. V.

In Ukraine, there is a noticeable tendency to increase the incidence of oral tissue diseases due to the presence of concomitant pathology, the negative impact of environmental factors, namely the presence of bad habits. In recent years, due to numerous clinical studies that have confirmed the effects of smoking on the human body as a whole, leading tobacco companies are making great efforts to develop less harmful nicotine-containing products for public health. These include electronic cigarettes and tobacco heating systems. Research on their effects on human health is still ongoing. And none has an evidentiary answer, including from international organizations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the intensity and prevalence of dental hard tissue diseases and periodontal tissue pathology among people who use tobacco heating systems (GLO and IQOS). Material and methods. The article describes the study results of dental hard tissues and periodontal tissues in 75 patients, including 39 people with nicotine dependence, who were tested for caries intensity, resistance of tooth hard tissues to caries, hygiene index, iodine number of Svrakov and the prevalence of periodontal disease. Results and discussion. We determined that individuals who used tobacco heating systems had the worst values of the studied indicators. The prevalence of periodontal diseases was significantly higher than in the surveyed comparison groups, and the increase in the duration of their use was accompanied by an increase in the incidence of periodontal diseases and their severity. Conclusion. The results of the study proved that the use of tobacco heating systems by patients was a negative factor that increased the intensity of caries, reduced the resistance of hard tissues to caries, deteriorated oral hygiene and provoked the development of inflammatory and dystrophic inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues. The obtained results confirmed the presence of harmful effects on tissues and organs of the oral cavity, provided the use of drains for tobacco heating systems (GLO and IQOS). In our opinion further clinical studies will be promising to provide professional care to thematic patients

Keywords: caries, periodontal disease, index assessment, tobacco heating systems GLO and IQOS

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