ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 31 of 58
УЖМБС 2020, 5(6): 214–217
Hygiene and Ecology

Microbial Composition of Dental Clinics’ Air as a Factor of Spread of Nosocomial Infections

Horzov L. F., Kryvtsova M. V., Kostenko Y. Y., Kalynyak M. M.

The air environment of medical institutions plays a significant role in the spread of pathogens of a number of nosocomial infections, primarily coagulase-positive staphylococci, as well as respiratory viruses and pathogens of some mycoses. Nowadays, in the epidemiological situation regarding Covid-19, more and more attention is paid to the issues of microbiological assessment of air quality in medical institutions. The constant circulation of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora and the associated potential risk of infection of medical personnel is due to the specifics of the work process in dentistry. The purpose of this study was to conduct a sanitary-microbiological study of the air. Material and methods. Sampling was carried out by sedimentation method in 14 offices of dental clinics. Petri dishes with nutrient media, meat peptone agar and bile salt agar were placed on a horizontal surface at the level of human respiratory organs. The number of microorganisms grown on the nutrient medium was counted after 24 hours of incubation. Results and discussion. The obtained results showed that in the studied premises, the total microbial count varied from 756±0.8 Colony-forming units /1m3 to 6497±3.4 CFU / 1m3. Thus, only in 4 rooms the air was clean according to microbiological criteria, in 3 - questionable and in - 6 polluted. Analysis of the presence of sanitary-indicative microorganisms showed that S. aureus was not detected in 2 rooms in the air, in others - the amount of staphylococcus varied from 2 to 8 CFU / 1m3. Microscopic fungi were not detected in only 4 rooms. In other rooms, the number of microscopic fungi varied from 12 to 345 CFU/m3. Microbial air pollution is the greatest danger in medical institutions, especially infectious, surgical, burn and maternity wards, as it plays a leading role in the spread of nosocomial infections. At the same time, dental institutions pose a special danger in terms of the high prevalence of microorganisms in the air. Formation of aerosols consisting of small drops of oil, saliva, water, dust, manure, blood, microorganisms when working with high-speed turbines, drills, ultrasonic devices. Aerosols can be kept in the breathing zone of the doctor and the patient for up to 30 minutes and spread over a distance of up to 50-80 cm. When using water cooling, the diameter of the aerosol cloud reaches two meters. Conclusion. The systematic assessment of the air environment in dental offices and the development of a system of effective monitoring and measures to prevent aerogenic transmission of infectious diseases is of particular importance. The development of recommendations for the organization of nosocomial infections prevention in dental institutions is a promising task to be solved

Keywords: nosocomial infection, microbiota, air, dental clinic

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