ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 55 of 59
УЖМБС 2020, 5(5): 406–412
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Formation of the Complex of Indicators for Controling Students in the Process of Training Swimming

Glukhov I. G. 1, Drobot K. V. 1, Glukhova G. G. 1, Edelev A. S. 1, Abramov K. V. 2

The reliability of the scientific research results is largely determined by the level of adequate selection and complexity of methods, obtaining objective data. It is also a determinant of the scientific information structure and content quality, its processing and generalization. The purpose of the study was to select and characterize a methodic complex for obtaining objective data of monitoring the students’ performance in the process of swimming training. Material and methods. We used theoretical analysis of scientific and methodical data, sources of the Internet, documentary sources, system analysis, historical and logical, comparative analysis and extrapolation, synthesis and modeling. Results and discussion. The implementation of the system of training students swimming cannot take place without correct control over this process. Due to the need of objective evaluation the effectiveness of different methodical content of training swimming programs, there is a need to find the complex of indicators (based on available diagnosis methods and techniques). For in-depth and extensive study of student youth’ indicators in the process of swimming training and implementation of basic control tasks in pedagogical research proposed 22 methods for determining the physical development and functional condition, 15 tests and exercises for determining the physical fitness of students, 5 indicators for determine psychophysiological characteristics and more than 20 indicators for monitoring the swimming preparedness of students. Conclusion. The theoretical part of any research involves in-depth study and characterization of physical education external and internal factors at different educational levels. For substantiating, developing, and implementing the main research results we used scientific and methodological data, significant number of basic research in the field of physical culture and sports, regulations and management protocols of physical education in higher education institutions etc. Tests complexes for evaluation of physical fitness, findings of physical development, psychophysiological indicators, data of swimming fitness, and objective indicators of the functioning the basic systems of the students’ body are formed with taking into account the recommendations of special literature. The research provides appropriate metrological requirements, which allow selecting tests that are easy to reproduce and provide simple but reliable ways to results fixation

Keywords: indicators, informative, physical development, preparedness, skills

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