ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 59 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(4): 432–437
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

The Systematic Power Fitness Impact on the Humoral Immunity Indices of Athletes with Different Levels of Physical Fitness

Goncharenko A. Yu., Belikova M. V., Plotnikova L. G.

It is known that people who exercise regularly have a more pronounced resistance to various infectious diseases. Although athletes are less prone to viral infections, less likely to suffer from severe forms of respiratory viral infections and influenza. It is also known that athletes who become ill carry viral infectious diseases in a milder form and recover in fewer days, as well as have stronger immune responses to pathogens and vaccinations. The mechanisms of increasing immune resistance in systematic sports are studied intensively. It remains unknown whether it is possible to increase the immune resistance of a person by exercising for a short time. The purpose of the study was to identify changes in Ig content of different classes in people with different physical fitness as a result of regular exercise. Material and methods. Changes in the immunoglobulins A, E, G, M in the blood plasma were studied in people not involved in sports before (group 1) and trained athletes (group 2). All of them practiced according to a given method for two months. Results and discussion. The concentration of IgE was authentically higher, and IgG and IgM were authentically lower in the representatives of group 2 compared to group 1, before the start of practiced according to a given method. As a result of one month exercises, we revealed an increase in the content of Ig A in all participants, but there was a significant difference between groups 1 and 2, since the increase in group 1 was more significant. The level of IgE in the blood plasma decreased, and IgG increased in all subjects. The concentration of IgM decreased in group 1, but increased in group 2. At the end of the second month of training according to the method of A. Yu. Goncharenko, we noted a significant increase in the content of IgA in comparison with the initial study by 25.7 % for group 1 and 23.3 % for group 2. The content of IgE authentically decreased compared with the initial and previous research and was 19.8% for group 1 and 20.4 % for group 2. The level of IgG increased in all subjects compared to the initial values by 27.5 % of group 1 and 45.5 % of group 2. The concentration of IgM increased in athletes of group 2 by 66%, but remained unchanged among volunteers of the 1st group. Conclusion. The obtained changes showed that the immune system was ready to actively respond to the introduction of antigens while reducing autoimmune and allergic processes. It can be assumed that the beginning of physical training caused changes in the immune system. This result of this is the readiness to respond to external antigen-containing objects increased against the background of reduced allergic and autoimmune aggression.

Keywords: immune resistance, immunoglobulins, power fitness

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