ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 23 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(4): 173–181
Clinical Medicine

Possibilities of Integrated Therapy of Vestibular Dysfunctions with Autonomic Accompaniment in Conditions of Brain Ischemia

Mashchenko S. S. 1, Stoyanov A. N. 1, Dariy V. I. 2, Kalashnikov V. I. 3, Gryshchenko G. V. 4, Skorobrekha V. Z. 1

Vestibular dysfunction is a common syndrome of ischemic injury of the brain that occurs with severe autonomic accompaniment. Material and methods. We examined 82 patients with vestibular disorders of ischemic genesis. The method used verticalized vestibular adaptation therapy on the background of performing exercises with fixing the gaze; within a month, patients received B6 Hamalate 1-2 tab. three times a day for Tebokan 1 tab. twice a day, as well as intranasal electrophoresis of 0.1% Semax solution from the anode, 10-12 procedures 1 time per day. The control group received conventional therapy (n = 20). Its effectiveness is proved in comparison with control. Results and discussion. We identified key pad and accompanying vestibular dysfunction of the cerebral mechanisms of angiodystonia on the background of degenerative changes in the cervical spine. First of all, it was dizziness (100,0%) with autonomous, emotional, cardiovascular, pain phenomena. Indicators of stato- locomotoric correlated with the extent of cerebral ischemia. The integral characteristics of ataxia was increased together with increasing ischemic injury. The results showed the predominance of vague orientation of autonomous tone (52,4%), abnormal values of reactivity (84,1%) and sustaining activities (86,6%). Depression was in 58.8% of cases, anxiety was recorded in 30.5%, disharmonies was noted in women much more often (up 71.1%). Manifestations of cervical degenerative disc disease was in all patients, mainly in the segments of C4-C5. The ultrasonic dopplerography was characterized by vasospasm of cerebral vessels, especially on the background of sympathicotonia. Experimental studies showed the presence of neurological deficit, motor and coordinators disorders after bilateral occlusion of the vertebral arteries in rats. We determined and rotary motor activity of animals in open field test, motor coordination, neurological deficit on the scale of the assessment of motor disorders. We also tried testing drugs (Tebokan, Mexico, Semax), including a comprehensive use to restore all the indicators of behavioral, coordinator, neurological activity during the period of the experiment. The comprehensive use of drugs was significantly higher than registered in the separate use of each component of the proposed scheme of pharmacotherapy. Conclusion. Experimental data became the basis for further clinical examination of the patients with chronic brain ischemia with the introduction of the developed scheme of complex pathogenetically substantiated pharmacological correction of vestibular dysfunction (Patent of Ukraine No. 119831), which was tested in 62 patients.

Keywords: ischemia of the brain, degenerative-dystrophic diseases, spinal osteochondrosis, autonomic system, treatment

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