ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 57 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 426–431

Research of the Intellectual Helmet Device: a Psychophysiological Aspect

Kachur I. V. 1, Karamzina L. A. 2

To determine the suitability of robotics products for rehabilitation medicine it is necessary to assess the user's feelings. Information can be obtained by questioning respondents during psychophysiological measurements during pilot studies. This act will provide information about the quality of the device used as a combination of properties and characteristics with possible to satisfy the conditioned or anticipated needs of the consumer. Such methods for psychophysiological correction are based on doing massage procedures by a person or robotics in hospital conditions. The stationary nature of such technologies implies the availability of special equipment and medical personnel for equipment management. This approach is limiting the relaxation procedures in other conditions when it is necessary to use a mobile device with options for independent control and correction of procedures. The device HELMET for the psychophysiological correction has a complex synchronized effect which is implemented on the main sensory systems of a person: tactile (imitation of massage movements during massage), visual (presentation of video images of appropriate content), auditory (presentation of audio files with relaxation content) in order to alleviate a person’s stress state and enhancing the adaptive capabilities of the body. This model provides autonomous use of the device without personnel intervention. Various types of effects to human sensory systems in the mobile device HELMET for effective psychophysiological rehabilitation and increase the adaptive body capabilities were modeled. The main corrective factor is the psychophysiological aspect, which affects the quality indicators of the HELMET, the rating of satisfaction from the procedure provided by the device was evaluated. One of the informative signs of the need to improve the HELMET was to estimate such emotions as satisfaction or dissatisfaction during the procedure in the HELMET. Estimation of satisfaction during the procedure in the HELMET according to the selected characteristic “quite satisfied” was expressed by 68 people (71.58%), while the remaining 27 respondents or 28.42% gave unsatisfactory assessment of their emotions from the procedure in the HELMET. The answer "uncomfortable" feeling was expressed by 15 out of 95 respondents (15.79% or one in six). The high value of the lack of comfortability indicates stimuli perception problems in the biotechnical system «man-device». The use of psychophysiological indicators is a subjective reflection of the consumer assessment of the device.

Keywords: questionnaire, psychophysiological indicators, HELMET

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