ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 54 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 403–409

Secretory and Excretory Function of Testicles in Conditions of Serotonin Disorder of Spermatogenesis and Experimental Correction of Chondroitin Sulphate

Brechka N. M. 1, Korenieva Ye. M. 1, Bondarenko B. A. 1, Kozar V. V. 2, Morozenko D. V. 2, Shcherbak O.V. 4, Sirotenko L. A. 1, Velichko N. F. 1, Ivannikova S. V. 3

Impairment of fertility is a worldwide problem, and the etiology of the male factor of infertility is considered multifactorial. Despite of the fact that many treatment options now are available the level of its success is still low and requires new approaches to correction in many cases. Recently, the search has focused on a group of well-known drugs chondroprotectors in particular Chondroitin sulfate, which have properties that favorably influence the course of reproductive pathologies, which gives hope for the reconstruction of some parameters of male reproductive function. The hormonal status that occurs during hypofertility leads to the transformation of the carbohydrate components of spermatogenic epithelium and these inadequate glycosaminoglycans in the secretion of the epididymis can act as a factor in the destruction of spermatozoa. The purpose of the study was to research the possibility of experimental correction, with the help of Chondroitin sulfate, of the functional state of the gonads and the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland on an experimental serotonin model of testicular damage in male rats for the pathogenetic demonstration of its use and the development of new means and methods of correcting reproductive disorders in males. Material and methods. To reproduce the pathology of testes, a model of serotonin damage of the testis was used: males obtained Serotonin hydrochloride subcutaneously at a dose of 5 mg / kg for 14 days. Testosterone homogenates were used to determine the amount of testosterone intratesticularly. The total gonadotropic activity (by biological testing method) was studied in pituitary extracts of adult male rats treated with serotonin hydrochloride and those that were given Chondroitin sulfate on its background at a dose of 60 mg / kg and Tribestan 60 mg / kg of body weight. Results and discussion. The obtained results proved that the administration of serotonin hydrochloride led to gonadopathy, which was accompanied by damage to spermatogenesis, a decrease in testosterone in both blood serum and testes, as well as a decrease in the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland of male rats. The introduction of the reference drug Tribestan positively effected on the spermatogenesis, the level of male sex hormone, and increases the total gonadotropic activity. Conclusion. The use of Chondroitin sulfate in animals with experimental gonadopathy caused by serotonin loading leads to positive changes in the indicators of spermatogenesis, testosteroneemia, the level of sex hormone in the gonads and the total gonadotropic activity of male pituitary glands

Keywords: serotonin pathology of the testes, pituitary gland, total gonadotropic activity, intratesticular testosterone, Chondroitin sulfate, male rats

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