ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 49 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 366–377
Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program for Patients with COPD

Tymruk-Skoropad K., Pavlova Iu.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is known to improve the mental, physical health and quality of life of people with chronic diseases and pathological conditions of the respiratory system. Due to the high prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases in the world and Ukraine, the number of people who need pulmonary rehabilitation is huge. This situation is exacerbated by the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic and respiratory complications of COVID-19. A number of pathological changes in the lungs after pneumonia caused by COVID-19 are irreversible and will potentially increase need to involve people after pneumonia with effective rehabilitation programs. The introduction of the qualitative, evidence-based system of pulmonary rehabilitation in Ukraine is at an early stage. Although it is absolutely topical to substantiate a pulmonary rehabilitation program, taking into account existing clinical guidelines and their adaptation to domestic conditions. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the structure and program of pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with respiratory diseases (on example of chronic pulmonary disease). Results and discussion. The organization and implementation of a pulmonary rehabilitation program requires specialists who are able to work closely with each other (multidisciplinary team), are competent in the tasks of pulmonary rehabilitation, understand the patient's needs and are focused on them. The general and special competencies of the specialists providing the pulmonary rehabilitation program, the obligatory components and stages of the program realization are formulated, the content of education and physical therapy measures are given. A plan for the implementation of major components for chronic pulmonary disease patients within the 8-week pulmonary rehabilitation program is proposed. Today in Ukraine it is difficult to implement such mandatory measures of leading western pulmonary rehabilitation programs as physical capacity assessment with maximum load tests, aerobic training in clinics, additional oxygen supply during physical therapy, attracting as much as possible different specialists, except for the pulmonologist and physical therapist (for example, occupational therapist, speech therapist, psychologist, etc.). Conclusion. The main components of pulmonary rehabilitation are assessment, educational component, physical therapy, psychosocial support, change and adherence to health behaviors. The stages of the program are assessment, planning intervention, re-evaluation, completion / follow-up. The proposed program is patient-oriented, aimed at managing the patient's adherence to treatment, enhancing daily functioning and quality of life.

Keywords: physical therapy, chronic pulmonary disease, physical exercises, breathing exercises, COVID-19

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