ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 44 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 328–336

Determination the Concentration of Nitrogen Metabolites in Blood Serum and Oral Fluid of Patients with Periodontal Tissue Diseases on the Background of Common Somatic Diseases

Shevchuk M. М., Shkrebnyuk R. Yu., Dyryk V. T.

The purpose of the study was to investigate the concentration of nitrogen metabolites in blood serum and oral fluid of patients with periodontal tissue diseases on the background of somatic diseases. Material and methods. Studies of endothelial function were performed in 36 people with cardiovascular disease, 35 patients with neurological, 36 patients with gastroenterology and 37 people with rheumatological diseases. The obtained data were compared with the data in biological fluids in 30 somatically and dental healthy persons (control group). Patients were sampled in the morning, on an empty stomach, after 12 hours, preferably with an elbow vein, a needle, and a self-flow in plastic tubes. Laboratory oral fluid was collected on an empty stomach in the morning, by spitting into measuring tubes, without stimulation. The study of the level of terminal metabolites of nitrogen was carried out by a method based on the reduction of nitrates to nitrites with their determination by reaction with a Gris reagent. The calculation of the amount of nitrites was carried out according to a calibration graph based on nitrogen nitrite. Statistical calculation of the results of clinical and laboratory studies was carried out by conventional methods. Results and discussion. Assessment of relative risk factors for periodontal tissue diseases by markers of endothelial function in patients with various common somatic diseases showed that in patients with cardiovascular disease there was an increased risk of periodontal tissue disease in 2 factors: decrease in the total content of nitrogen metabolites in the blood serum and oral fluid (RR=1.01; RR=1.04, respectively). In patients with neurological diseases, only one relative risk factor was observed, it was NO3 concentration in the mouth (RR=1.02). At the same time, relative risk factors were not observed in patients with gastroenterological and rheumatologic pathologies according to markers of endothelial function. The total value of the concentration of nitrogen metabolites in the blood serum was significantly decreased in patients with dystrophic inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues in cardiovascular diseases. It was up to 12.11±0.86 μmol/l, p <0.01. In gastroenterologic diseases it was up to 14.73±0, 91 µmol/l, p <0.05. In rheumatological diseases it was up to 11.71±0.82 µmol/l, p <0.01, P2 <0.01 versus 23.0±3.00 µmol/l in people of the control group. The sum of NO2 + NO3 concentrations in the oral fluid of the subjects was significantly lower compared to the data in control subjects, p <0.01, but differed with the maximum decrease in patients with rheumatological pathology where it was up to 14.33±0.72 μmol/l and in patients with cardiovascular disease with up to 15.11±1.37 μmol/l versus 35.50±3.81 μmol/l in control subjects. At the same time, the amount of nitrogen metabolites in patients with dystrophic inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues was lower compared to the control data: in the blood - by 1.6 times and in the oral fluid – by 2.17 times, p <0.01. Conclusion. Thus, patients with periodontal tissue diseases with various somatic diseases showed a significant decrease in endothelial function, which was characterized by a decrease in the content of NO metabolites (NO2, NO3, NO2 + NO3), which complicated the course of general somatic and dental diseases. However, the imbalance of endothelial function markers was more significant in patients with dystrophic-inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of periodontal tissues than in patients with inflammatory periodontal tissue lesions.

Keywords: diseases of periodontal tissues, blood plasma, oral fluid, endothelial function

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