ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 3 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 32–39
Medicine. Reviews

Human Organism as Anthropoecosystem and the Symbiocenosis Factors in the Formation of Health

Hnativ P. S. 1, Nechay O. S. 2, Khobotna I. M. 2, Melenchuk L. M. 2, Malanchuk A. N. 2

The development of human ecology is analyzed and generalized. Author's definition of science is given, its object and subject are formulated. The system approach to the understanding of the human body involves the vision of the body, its symbionts (commensal, parasites, etc.), the living environment and substance-energy metabolism as an evident unity of components and functions in homeostasis. Human health is a function of a cortical anthropoecosystem. The human body and all the symbiocenosis mates have complex ecogenic interdependencies. Consortium of different concentrates and determinants comprising the human body, provide a balanced functioning of the human body. It involves the synthesis of a number of proteins, enzymes, and vitamins that cannot be synthesized by the human body independently. Only in the presence of para-parasitic and parasitic symbionts immunity forms, immunocompetent cells are formed. The factors of the formation of human immunity are all metabolites of its consortia (selection, products of the decomposition of organisms, etc.), because their aggregate forms the biochemical composition of the internal environment of specific organs and the whole organism-determinant. Such external levers of influence, as diet or antibiotics, lead to rapid changes in the composition and functions of microbiota. By doing so, they affect the state of the relationship between the organism-determinant and the microbiocenosis. The sudden replacement of fresh (raw) foods that are common to the human body to new or exotic ones leads to problems due to the appropriate reaction of the beneficial microflora of the stomach and intestines, which feeds and functions as bonded consortia. Openness of the intestinal symbiocenosis creates a platform for purposeful rational manipulation with the physiology of our organism: the regulation of the structure and functions of microbiota provides a manipulative lever to improve human health, treatment or prevention of pathologies. The functional state of anthropoecosystem, which can be constantly supported by eco-safe supplements of natural origin, determines the level of physical and mental health determinants. Critical crisis conditions and pathological consequences of violations can in a number of cases be solved by traditional medicine, but prevention of gastrointestinal, allergic and immunological diseases prevents crisis conditions and simplifies treatment procedures. The study of microbial groupings of consortia of natural patterns and the use in the practice of disease prevention of natural means of regulating the structure of the internal microbial, the number of microorganism populations, their functional activity will greatly increase the effectiveness of management of immune processes and reduce the cost of treatment of pathologies.

Keywords: anthropoecosystem, consortium, symbiocenosis, microbiome, adaptation, health

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