УЖМБС 2020, 5(3): 312–318 https://doi.org/10.26693/jmbs05.03.312Social medicine and organization of health care
Clinical and Economic Analysis of the State of Pharmaceutical Provision of Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease on the Background of Chronic Gastric Disease
Matushchak M. R., Horoshko O. M., Zakharchuk O. I., Ezhned M. А., Sakhatska I. М., Kostyshyn L. V., Mykhailiuk N. V., Drachuk V. M.- Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine Bukovinian State Medical University, 2, Theatralna Sq., Chernivtsi 58002, Ukraine
Heartburn is one of the main symptoms of a disease associated with gastric ulceration and the risk of developing other esophageal lesions that lead to poor quality of life. Therefore, the study of this problem in the aspect of treatment and prevention actual relevant in modern gastroenterology.
The recent studies found out that approximately 10% of adults and almost 50% of pregnant women experience heartburn which is the main symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease daily, 30% have it at least once a week, 60%have it at least once a month. The number of people suffering from heartburn ranges from 30 to 60% of the population, which is equally common in men and women. Long-term studies of scientists have shown that the number of people who experience heartburn at least once a week has doubled in 10 years.
The purpose of the work was to improve the quality of pharmacotherapy of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease by conducting the pharmacoeconomic analysis of the proton pump inhibitors and propulsants use with improving the order of formation of the local formulary of treatment and preventive care establishments.
Material and methods. The study included the analysis of 123 medical records of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease on the background of chronic gastritis and medical prescription sheets of medical institutions in Chernivtsi.
Results and discussion. The analysis was performed on the basis of in-patients' medical records and medical records of medical institutions, according to which the most used drugs of the group of antisecretory agents and peristalsis stimulants were identified. For pharmacoeconomic studies the index of treatment effectiveness was determined. According to the results, the combination "Nolpaza+Itomed" was 87%, and the "cost-effectiveness" index was 128.40 UAH; "Ezolong+Itomed" – 88%, the "cost-effectiveness" index was 145.60 UAH. The "Ezolong+Itomed" combination has the most potent effect on heartburn elimination and has a significantly higher efficacy compared to the other studied combinations, while almost identical clinical efficacy rates are observed compared to “Nolpaza+Itomed” combination. According to the results of pharmacoeconomic analyzes of “cost minimization” and “cost-effectiveness”, the most rational from the economic point of view is the “Nolpaza+Itomed” combination, since the treatment cost is 30.58 UAH per day, and the effectiveness and combination is ahead of other pharmacotherapy schemes.
Conclusion. The obtained data are promising for further research and revision of local formularies of treatment and preventive care establishments regarding the inclusion of medicines from the group of antisecretory agents and propulsants.
Keywords: gastroesophageal reflux disease, pharmacotherapy, pharmacoeconomic analysis
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