ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 36 of 42
УЖМБС 2020, 5(2): 251–255
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Analyses of Problems of Implementing Health Care Approach into Physical Education of Preschool Children in the Conditions of Modern Educational Process

Taran I. V.

This article presents the problem of physical development of preschool children, formation and preservation of health. Scientists have proved the lack of physical development and low physical fitness of preschoolers due to a decrease in their physical activity. It is noted that motor insufficiency negatively affects the development of all body systems and contributes to the backlog in psychophysical development. Modern physical education does not compensate the progressive deficit of physical activity of children and teenagers. That is why, the article focuses on the introduction of health effects in the system of educational and health process aimed at the formation of physical perfection: good health, harmonious physical development, physical fitness, development of physical qualities. But the problem of physical development of children in the preschool institutions is complicated by the introduction of an inclusive form of education. But the children with special educational needs have impaired intelligence, speech, vision, hearing, musculoskeletal, nervous and mental disorders of various origins, it requires not only recovery, but also the restoration of lost functions, the development and formation of new skills. One of the directions of comprehensive development that children receive in kindergartens is physical education. Unfortunately, modern physical education does not fully compensate for the progressive deficit of motor activity in children and adolescents. In order to promote health, its morphological and functional perfection, the formation of motor skills and physical qualities, physical education should be systematic with a healthy effect on the child's body. The decision of the problem requires comprehensive assistance: educational and medical. So, it is necessary to change or modernize physical education of children in preschool. It was proposed to improve the knowledge of specialists of physical education and sports, to introduce the post of teacher specializing in the inclusive education into the modern educational process. It will allow supporting the level of the child’s body functionality, improving the efficiency of recovery, and improving the quality of life of children with special educational needs, because it is in the preschool period when the process of health formation takes place. Besides it is the period of a physically perfect person foundation.

Keywords: children, health, physical development, health approach, physical education

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