ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 34 of 42
УЖМБС 2020, 5(2): 235–242
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Results of Evaluation of Somatic Health Level in Students of Different Age

Kochina M. L., Bila A. A.

The problem of health promotion, preservation and improvement is becoming more and more urgent due to the decrease in somatic health indicators, the increase in the number of pathological and inherited diseases. This issue is especially relevant for students. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays an important role in the student's life as it provides for future self-realization and development in all areas of life, from spiritual to physical. It is established that university students of different specialties, with the exception of physical education, have generally low and below average health level. It was also found that there is a direct correlation between the increase in the number of students with low level of fitness and the deterioration of somatic health of young people. The purpose of the work was to determine the level of somatic health in students of all ages. Material and methods. The article presents somatic health indicators of 120 students (60 boys and 60 girls) aged 17-25. The study used the method of quantitative rapid assessment of the level of somatic health, developed by G. L. Apanasenko. All subjects were determined and evaluated in anthropometric scores (height, body weight, dynamometry), physiological (pulmonary capacity, heart rate, blood pressure) and functional (Martine-Kushelevsky test) indices and corresponding indices, life index, power index). Results and discussion. The study of the body mass index of students showed that in the majority of cases the indicator was within the normal range, the decrease was observed in 13 % of cases, the increase was in 20 %. A study of the vital index characterizing the state of the respiratory system found that 55 % of girls in the first group and 45 % in the third group had low values, indicating that the respiratory system was defective. The indicator within the limits of age norms occurred in both gender groups of each age group in 20-40 % of cases. Boys quite often had its high values, which may be related to the good development of the respiratory system. A study of the power index in girls showed that low values were observed in 80 % of cases, in boys it was in 73 % of cases, which indicates their lack of physical development. Assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system and the energy potential of student’s body according to the Robinson index showed that only 15-35 % of students had high functional reserves, and 50-55 % of students showed signs of disturbance in the systems under study. In most of the studied students, recovery time after exercise (Martine-Kushelevskiy test) corresponded to high and above average levels of organism functioning and indicated good adaptation of their cardiovascular system. Assessment of overall health of students by the method of G. L. Atanasenko showed that no student had a high level of health, 10 (8.0±2.5) % of students were found above average, with a higher prevalence among girls. The average level was 57 (48±4.6) % of students, most of them male. Below average and low health levels were observed in 53 (44±4.5) % of students, with almost equal percentages for boys and girls. Conclusion. Thus, virtually all studied students were at risk of developing somatic diseases. The obtained results confirmed the tendency to deteriorate the health of the student youth, which made the development of programs aimed at improving the health of the student youth relevant.

Keywords: somatic health, express somatic health assessment, indices, students

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