ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 29 of 42
УЖМБС 2020, 5(2): 203–209
Physical training and Sport. Medical and biological aspects of training athletes

Peculiarities of the Emotional Sphere Development of Teenagers Personality in the Process of Practicing Sports Tourism

Ampleyeva O. M., Myropoltseva N. I.

The current stage of world development necessitates the formation of new life strategies in youth: tolerance, humanism, empathy, enhancing the flexibility and mobility of social behavior. The problem of emotional intelligence development of personality is one of the most difficult. In the current practice of the sports psychology, issues relating to the emotional sphere of athletes remain unresolved. It makes the psychological support of the sports process relevant. Today, much attention is paid to the analysis and study of the emotional component in the preparation of adolescent athletes, to the development of working methods with different experiences. Because strong emotional arousal negatively affects not only on the results of performances, but also on the emotional formation of personality. Researching the correlation between the emotional intelligence of adolescent athletes and their character traits can take us a key to understanding the personality development process of this age category. The purpose of the study is to investigate the peculiarities of the emotional sphere development of personality in adolescence involved in sports tourism. The sample of the conducted research was made by 157 sportsmen of the Mykolaiv regional center for tourism, local history and excursions for youth. The psychodiagnostic complex of methods was composed by: Emotional Intelligence ("EQ") Test by N. Hall, Emotional Intelligence Test by D. Lusin, Psychodiagnostic Test by V. Melnikov and L. Yampolsky. Negative projections with subscales of emotional intelligence were found: "recognition of other people emotions", "control of expression", "emotional awareness", "management of one's emotions". There is a conditionality of emotional intelligence by combination: "extraversion", "mental stability", "general activity", "sensitivity", "conscientiousness", "neuroticism". There is also a favorable configuration of personality traits for the realization of adolescents’ emotional intelligence in the process of sports tourism. Conclusion. The main psychological conditions for the development of adolescents’ emotional intelligence in the process of tourist activity are: determining the main principles of group functioning; obstacles that adolescents can overcome while camping; lack of habitual comfortable living conditions; constant physical activity and work; interaction during preparation and participation in competitions; self-reflecting at the end of the trip.

Keywords: emotional sphere, adolescence, sports tourism, hiking, personality traits

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