ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 27 of 42
УЖМБС 2020, 5(2): 192–197

Aspects of Feasibility of Tilia L. Planting in Urbanozone of Vinnitsa

Rodinkova V. V., Kremenska L. V., Krikliva S. D., Bobrovska E. A., Shcherba I. K.

The article provides complex analysis of feasibility of Tilia L. species utilizing for greenery in cities of Ukraine uzing Vinnytsia as an example. The purpose of the study was to analyze the aesthetics, intensity of pollination, susceptibility to parasitic species of the plants of Tilia L. genus in the urban zone of Vinnytsia, and, therefore, to determine the positive and negative aspects associated with the planting of these trees in the city. Material and methods of study. Analysis of the general state of tree plantations was carried out by means of route surveys of the territories, where the largest number of linden trees are located in the Vinnitsa city. Visual assessment of aesthetic qualities and presence of pests was carried out. Deformed leaf blades were analyzed to determine the type of pest. Microscopic examination of fixed leaf preparations was carried out on the basis of the Research Center of Vinnitsa National Medical University using an Axioscop light microscope (Zeiss, Germany) with 200X and 400X magnifications. Objects in microscopic specimens were photographed with COHU-7922 camera. The study of pollination was carried out during 2012-2016 at Vinnitsa National Medical University Laboratory for the Allergenic Environmental Factors Investigation under the support of the European Aeroallergen Network (EAN). Air sampling was carried out using a standard volumetric method employing 24-hour Burkard trap sampler of a Hirst type. Results and discussion. The study showed that the utility of Tilia L. species as a city greenery was favorable while these trees had the following advantages when properly looked after: good aesthetic effect, controllability of form and growth rate, aromatic and melliferous qualities during flowering. The disadvantages included the tendency of Eucallipterus tiliae and Eriophyes tiliae to cause damage of the Tilia L. leafblade with the formation of galls. The presence of ascomycetic spores of the genus Stemphylium, Alternaria and their mycelium on the surface of leafblades was noted too. Both of these circumstanses have a negative impact on the vegetation of linden plants. But this effect can be reduced by treating the leaves with appropriate chemicals. According to European data, linden pollen has low allergenicity. A threshold pollen concentration of 15 PG/m3, which can theoretically cause symptoms and is standard for allergenic plants from the EAN list, was detected in the ambient air for 1 day only during all period of the pollen observations. As Tilia L. pollen is low-allergenic, such a concentration does not pose a threat to the population, however, individuals sensitive to linden pollen can experience pollinosis symptoms in the immediate vicinity of the pollen source. Conclusion. While the linden tree is an entomophilic plant, the release of a large amount of pollen into the atmosphere is unlikely. The current investigation made it possible to state that the utilizing the linden trees for the greening of the city as an indigenous plant is advisable with good care of them.

Keywords: landscaping, linden tree, city greenery, aphids, pollen, allergy

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