ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 60
УЖМБС 2019, 4(6): 278–281
Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy

Accessibility of Public Facilities in Kreminna for People with Low-Mobility

Vinogradov O. O., Guzhva O. I., Volodina V. S.

The article deals with the issues of accessibility of public facilities in Kreminna town, Luhansk oblast, for people with low-mobility who, according to the biopsychosocial model of functioning and limitation of life activity, refer to the most pressing medical and social problems that require a complex approach for solution. Material and methods. The study evaluated the accessibility of public facilities for low-mobility groups in accordance with generally accepted requirements (availability of ramp, compliance with regulatory requirements, height of borders, width of doorways, etc.). The information about availability, which included the property address, property type, level and the description, was mapped to the map of Kreminna, Luhansk oblast, using Google Maps service. In terms of accessibility, public facilities were classified as «high accessibility» and «low accessibility». In total, we surveyed 72 public sites of the central part of Kreminna, Luhansk oblast from December 2018 to January 2019. Results and discussion. The audit found that the number of barrier-free facilities in Kreminna was 16 (22.22%). The highest level of accessibility was available to social protection institutions (100%), transport facilities (100%) and healthcare institutions (40%). The lowest levels of accessibility were found in educational institutions (0%), culture and recreation (0%), administration and management (13.3%), trade (20%), catering (20%), consumer services and public utilities (20%). Among public facilities with low accessibility 41 objects (73.2%) did not have a ramp, 15 (26.8%) had a ramp that did not meet the set standards (too high angle of inclination, lack of handrails, insufficient width, inconvenient location ramp, etc.), which made it impossible to use. Conclusion. Using the research results, we created a map of accessibility of 72 public places of the central part of the city of Kreminna, Luhansk oblast, for low-mobility groups of population. The research material was tested during the development and implementation of individual rehabilitation programs for persons belonging to low-mobility groups, as well as in the consultative work of specialists of the Kreminna Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities. In the future, it is planned to continue monitoring the accessibility of public facilities in Luhansk oblast for low-mobility groups.

Keywords: disability, low-mobility groups, accessibility, universal design, public places

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