The problem of injuries is a relevant scientific-medical and socially significant topics. Patients with injuries of maxillofacial area are according to the literature from 20 % to 40 % of the total number of hospitalized in of surgical dentistry. Fractures of the facial skeleton bones make up 88 % of all traumatic lesions of maxillofacial area. Among injuries of the bones of the facial skeleton, fractures of the mandible dominated by the fraction of 74-95 % of the observations. The purpose of the study was to conduct a retrospective analysis of the structure of traumatic injuries of maxillofacial area in patients undergoing treatment in hospital for the determination of the priority directions of the development of surgical dentistry. Material and methods. We studied the archival documents and conducted a retrospective analysis of the disease records of patients with traumatic injuries of maxillofacial area treated at the branches of the maxillofacial surgery of the MNE “Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care” and the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital during 2016-2018. The calculations were performed using the Microsoft Excel 2003 program. Results and discussion. The results of a retrospective study showed the following: 1928 patients were hospitalized for traumatic injuries, which accounted for 26.2 % of the structure of maxillofacial pathology. Most of them were men (n=1704; 88.4 %) and city dwellers (n=1181; 61.3 %). Most of the injuries occurred in people of working age, who had negative economic and social significance. Household injuries (84.1 %) prevailed over other types of injuries. A mandibular fracture was diagnosed in 1527 (79.2 %) patients; a maxillary fracture was diagnosed in 115 (5.9 %) patients; a maxillary and mandibular fracture was diagnosed in 30 (1.6 %) patients; zygomatic arches and zygomatic bones were diagnosed in 239 (12.4 %) patients; the fracture of the bones of the nose was diagnosed in 19 (0.9%) patients. Treatment of fractures of the facial skull bones was carried out by orthopedic (conservative), surgical, combined surgical-orthopedic method. Orthopedic methods of treatment of fractures were used in 48.2 % of patients. In order to achieve the best functional and anatomical restoration of bone, surgical fracture management was used for indications, which provided careful repositioning and fixation of bone fragments. We noted the dynamic growth of operational activity (2016 – 26.5 % of cases, in 2017 – 33.4 % of cases, in 2018 – 40.1 % of cases). In the surgical-orthopedic method, before the operative fixation of the bones, individual nasal tire fabrics manufactured by the laboratory were performed in 16.2 % of patients. Conclusion. The expedient is the need for wider involvement in practice of surgical treatment of fractures. The analysis of the traumatism of maxillofacial area leads to continuous monitoring of this problem with the aim of long-term planning and optimization of patient care.
Keywords: maxillofacial area, traumatic injuries, facial bone fractures
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