ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 23 of 60
УЖМБС 2019, 4(6): 166–170
Clinical Medicine

Condition of Cardiovascular System in Children with Mitral Valve Prolapse and its Response to Physical Activity

Kuleshov O., Medrazhevska Y., Fik L., Andrikevych I., Shalamai M.

Examination of functional condition of cardiovascular system in children with mitral valve prolapse is widely used in modern scientific studies. The purpose of the study was to examine the physical activity effect on the condition of cardiovascular system in children with mitral valve prolapse of the first degree. Material and methods. We examined 90 children aged from 13 to 17 years with mitral valve prolapse of the 1st degree. The control group consisted of 23 almost healthy children of the same age. All teenagers underwent the echocardiography with estimation of the main parameters before and after the physical activity test. Echocardiography was performed when patients were lying on the back. Test with the physical activity was applied as the climbing a step with 1.5 and 3 minutes tempo. The test was carried out within 4 stages: raising the left leg, raising the right leg, lowering the left leg, lowering the right leg. Results and discussion. The original heart rate (73.21±1.15) did not significantly differ from the normative parameters of a similar group of healthy children of the same age. The left ventricular ejection fraction at the beginning was 66.97±0.69, while the shortening fraction of the left ventricular was 36.56±0.87 (%). During the physical activity there was a significant increase of these indicators, relative to the source data. In this case, the mean values of the left ventricular ejection fraction (72.3±1.18, p<0.05) changed statistically and significantly. In addition, there was a tendency to increasing of the shortening fraction of the left ventricular (38.42±0.94) relative to the initial data. The stroke volume in patients with mitral valve prolapse was also increased after exercises (64.27±1.89 vs 70.65±1.9, p<0.05). Conclusion. There was an increase in heart rate with a decrease of the terminal systolic volume and two variants of the terminal diastolic volume of the left ventricular (increasing and stability) and increasing of the left ventricular ejection fraction in children with mitral valve prolapse in response to physical activity. These mechanisms provided improving of the left ventricular emptying. Method of testing children with mitral valve prolapse by exercises, using echocardiography, allows revealing the response of the heart to the physical activity, to assess its condition and to create the appropriate algorithm of preventive measures for prevention of complications.

Keywords: children, mitral valve prolapse, echocardiography, physical exercises

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