ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 46 of 61
УЖМБС 2019, 4(5): 295–302
Physical Therapy and Ergotherapy

Management and Motivation of Patients as a Way of Increasing the Efficiency of Physical Therapy in Orthopedic Disorders

Fedorenko S., Vitomskyi V., Lazarіeva О., Vitomska M.

Success in achieving the goal of physical therapy depends on both the physical therapist and the patient. The features of patient management and relationship with him/her depend on a number of factors, including the individual and professionally relevant qualities of a physical therapist, patient's psychotype and the peculiarities of information perception. The purpose of the study was to define the main approaches in the management and motivation of a patient to improve the effectiveness of physical therapy in orthopedic disorders. Material and methods. In our study we used the theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources, analysis of documentary materials, and the method of systematization of scientific information. Results and discussion. The paper establishes the main provisions for the management and motivation of patients during physical therapy sessions, depending on the peculiarities of the perception and processing of information. In particular, the peculiarities in managing and transmitting information during training and familiarization with exercises for intuitive, thinking, sensory and emotional types are highlighted. It is emphasized that the motivation and needs of patients, the possibility of increasing motivation play an important role in the achievement of the tasks of physical therapy among orthopedic patients. It is well known that physical therapy can meet a number of patient’s needs, from physiological to self-realization needs. The factors that can be used to control a patient to improve the quality of the patient's own work on their problems are considered. In particular, emotions affect the behavior of the patient, as well as stimulate or suppress the desire to work on their problem with the locomotor apparatus, forming associations. Positive emotions are accelerators in the processing of information and improve the quality of the patient's therapeutic exercises. We formed the use of the "I" theory in the course of treatment. To a greater extent, the use of this concept is possible in motivating patients prior to starting classes and maintaining motivation during the program of physical therapy, when the patient is trying to transform the real image into an ideal by eliminating chronic pain and increasing the capacity for work, restoring lost and reduced functions, and improving the quality of life. Accordingly, the physical therapist will influence the achievement of ideal images. Reference groups, families, roles, and statuses are social factors that influence the behavior of the patient. It is important to identify the most influential reference group, and the patient himself/herself wanted to belong to it and to play a part in it. Conclusion. The role of management and motivation in relation to patients undergoing physical therapy is important, as the ability to achieve goals depends on their peculiarities.

Keywords: physical therapy, rehabilitation management, quality of service

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