ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 26 of 61
УЖМБС 2019, 4(5): 173–179
Clinical Medicine

Structural Changes in Children’s Brain with Traumatic Brain Injury of Different Degree of Severity

Petrenko V. N., Prihodko T. M., Hekova M. V., Shevchenko V. V.

The purpose of the study was to find specific features of structural changes of children’s brain as a result of traumatic brain injury, depending on its severity, as well as the nature of clinical manifestations depending on the lesion. Material and methods. We surveyed 89 children with closed craniocerebral injury. Among them there were 70 boys (78.65%) and 19 girls (21.35%), aged from 3 to 17. Examination of children was carried out after 6.1±0.8 months after traumatic brain injury. The distribution of children into groups was carried out according to the clinical forms of traumatic brain injury: Group I – closed craniocerebral injury, brain commotion – 43 children (48.31%), average age (14.6±2.5) years; Group II – closed craniocerebral injury with a brain contusion of moderate severity – 16 children (17.98%), average age (13.5±4.5) years; Group III – closed craniocerebral injury with severe brain contusion – 30 children (33.71), average age (14.5±3.5) years. The average age of children in groups was 13.5±4.5 years. There was a statistically significant predominance of male children of 78.65% in all groups. Results and discussion. Magnetic resonance imaging (Siemens Magnetom with a magnetic field voltage of 0.35 T) was performed to study the structural changes in the brain. We analyzed the results of the study of magnetic resonance imaging of children with closed craniocerebral injury. We noticed the presence of structural changes in the brain in the form of hemorrhages and blast injuries, as well as clinical manifestations depending on the severity of the injury and localization of post-traumatic brain damage. On the basis of the conducted study, the authors noted that children’s closed craniocerebral injury occurred in the form of the brain concussion, brain contusion of moderate and severe degrees of the brain contusion. Conclusion. Children hemorrhages were more frequently observed with severe brain contusion than with contusion of moderate brain severity. The damaged area of blast injury was observed in children who suffered a brain contusion of moderate severity and severe degree. The damaged area of blast injury was predominant in the frontal and temporal regions of head, rarely it was noted in the area of the corpus callosum. In case of severe contusion of the brain, there were two typical areas of damage. Hemiparesis and liquor-hypertensive syndrome occurred in the presence of hemorrhage of children. Ataxic syndrome of children was more associated with blast injuries.

Keywords: children, traumatic brain injury, magnetic resonance imaging, blast injury, hemorrhage

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