ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 38 of 49
УЖМБС 2019, 4(4): 244–249

The Impact of Rehabilitation Measures on the Dynamics of Physical Development and Physical Fitness in 10-16 year-old Children with Visual Pathology

Dychko D. V.

Physical state is characterized by a set of indicators reflecting sexual and age characteristics, anthropometric profile, and motor preparedness, functional state of muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems of the human body. The purpose of the work was to study the effect of rehabilitation measures on the dynamics of physical development and physical fitness in children aged 10-16 with visual pathology. Material and methods. The stage-by-stage technology of rehabilitation and limitation of backlogs of children and adolescents aged 10-16 years with visual pathology was developed for 40 children with visual pathology (18 boys and 22 girls) aged 10-14 years old and 30 children (12 boys and 18 girls) aged 15-16 with visual pathology. We developed a survey program that consisted of a method for controlling the physical fitness of children, which included assessment of strength and strength endurance, overall endurance, speed-strength qualities, speed, flexibility and agility. Control exercises to assess the physical fitness of children aged 10 to 16 with visual pathology were selected in accordance with the program of physical education in special general-education boarding schools. Results and discussion. The first stage of the experimental research was the study of the effectiveness of the developed technology of rehabilitation in children aged 10-14 with visual pathology. The obtained results showed that the majority of indicators characterizing the physical data of children were also improving. So, the boys' performance in the length of the boat was improved by 20.0%, the body tilt forward from the sitting position increased by 5.23%, running for 6 minutes got better by 24.0%, lifting of the trunk from a lying position for 30 s increased by 25,01%. Girls aged 10-14 years with visual pathology also improved their physical development. They improved the performance of long jump from the place by 18%, shuttle run improved by 13.68%, tilt of the trunk forward from the seated position got better by 9.95%, running 6min improved by 17.63%, lifting of the body from a lying position from 30 sec improved by 28.0%. Upon completion of a comprehensive phased rehabilitation technology aimed at improving the physical characteristics of children aged 15-16 with visual pathology, boys began to perform 6 min for 32.33%, girls – by 25.01%, lifting of the torso from a lying position was better performed by boys aged 15-16 years with a pathology of vision of 35.04%, girls – by 30.01%, bending and arms spreading in emphasis – by 19.99% and by 15.09%, respectively. Conclusions. Thus, carrying out of a comprehensive stage-by-stage rehabilitation of children aged 10-14 with pathology of vision contributes to improvement of the indicators characterizing the physical fitness of these children. They showed improved results in jumping from the place by 20.0%, girls – by 18%; shuttle running was by 11.11% better, girls – by 13.68%; body tilt forward from sitting position: boys – by 5.23%, girls – by 9.95%; lifting the torso from a lying position was performed by boys aged 15-16 better by 35.04%, girls – by 30.01%, bending and extension of arms in the emphasis – by 15.06%.

Keywords: children aged 10-16, pathology of vision, physical fitness

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