ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 10 of 44
УЖМБС 2019, 4(2): 69–74
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Dynamics of Ultrastructural Restoration in Sinusoidal Capillary Endotheliocytes of the Rat Liver after Simulated Abdominal Trauma

Boyko V. V., Zamyatin P. N., Nevzorov V. P., Omelchenko V. F., Nevzorova O. F., Protsenko E. S., Remneva N. A.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the dynamics of ultrastructural changes in sinusoidal capillary endotheliocytes of the rat liver after simulated abdominal trauma to assess the degree of the organelles` damage using both traditional approach to the electron microscopic image analysis and the quantum-wave metabolism concepts. Material and methods. The experiment was conducted using the Wistar line of white rats of both sexes weighing 200-250 g. After the precise traumatic liver injury modeling, the damage zones were sutured. After that the liver pieces were taken for microscopic investigation in 1 hour, 1, 3, 7, 14, and 21 days. Results and discussion. For electron microscopic examination, the pieces of liver tissue were placed for preliminary fixation in 2.5% buffered glutaraldehyde solution for 4-6 hours at 4°C. Then the tissue was washed in a buffer solution and transferred for final fixation in 1% buffered solution of osmium tetroxide for 3-4 hours. Dehydration was performed in alcohols of increasing concentration and acetone. The tissue was impregnated and poured into a mixture of epoxy resins (epon-araldite) according to standard techniques. The blocks were polymerized in a thermostat at a temperature of 60°C for two days. Ultrathin sections were made from the obtained blocks, using an UPTP-3M ultramicrotome, mounted on electrolytic grids and, after contrasting with lead citrate, were examined with an electron microscope EMV-100BR at an accelerating voltage of 75 kV. The pieces of the livers of intact animals served as a quality control. We investigated the dynamics of ultrastructural changes in sinusoidal capillary endotheliocytes of the rat liver after simulated abdominal trauma. The most profound dystrophic and destructive processes developed on the third day. We found numerous foci of destruction of the membranes of the nucleus, mitochondria, and the endoplasmic reticulum, as well as the reduction of the Golgi cytoplasmic complex in the liver cells. A large number of secondary lysosomes and lipid inclusions in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes were also present. The endotheliocytes cell membranes were destroyed and the capillary lumens were filled with disorganized cell organelles and conglomerates of amorphous substance. Conclusions. The increase of synthetic and reparative activity in the liver cells occurred on the seventh day after injury, which was structurally confirmed by granular endoplasmic reticulum membrane hyperplasia, mitochondria duplication, Golgi complex hypertrophy, and increase in the number of ribosomes and glycogen granules. At the end of the experiment, the ultrastructure of hepatocytes, endotheliocytes and stellate macrophage cells acquired a typical structure.

Keywords: liver injury, liver sinusoidal capillary cells ultrastructure, reparation, quantum-wave metabolism

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