ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 6 of 44
УЖМБС 2019, 4(2): 38–44
Medicine. Reviews

Mechanisms of Realization of Electroacupuncture Therapeutic Effects in Patients with Acute Mandible Odontogenic Osteomyelitis Complicated with Phlegmon of Adjacent Cellular Spaces

Pohodenko-Chudakova I. O. 1,3, Kabanova A. A. 2,3

The problem of odontogenic infectious and inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area and neck indicates the need to develop and implement new most effective approaches to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diseases of this category. Acupuncture is well established in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial-area. In the special literature there is no description of the mechanism of electroacupuncture therapeutic effects in the spilled inflammatory processes in maxillofacial region and neck based on new data of morphology, microbiology, immunology, biochemistry which form the basis of the pathogenesis of the studied diseases, supported by the principles of evidence-based medicine that meet the current level of knowledge about the problem. The purpose of the work was to systematize and summarize the data on the mechanism of electroacupuncture therapeutic effects in the spilled infectious and inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial region and neck on the basis of fundamentally new data of their own research, basic guidelines and modern literature. Material and methods. We analyzed available sources of domestic and foreign literature for the period of 10-15 years, basic manuals, textbooks and monographs without limitation period as well as the results of their own research including fundamentally new information on the studied problem over the past 10 years. Quantitative, qualitative, mixed and descriptive methods were used in the analysis. Results and discussion. Electroacupuncture is one of the best methods of correcting the functional state of the patient's body with spilled inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area and neck. This is due to the fact that by means of a multi-level response to irritation of the skin projection of acupuncture points, it has an immunomodulatory, desensitizing, and analgesic effect, normalizes the tone of the autonomic nervous system. At the same time, electroacupuncture not only helps to maintain homeostasis, but also stimulates various forms of adaptive activity of the body, it can be considered a promising means of preventing the development of immunosuppressive state. It normalizes the levels of subpopulations of T-lymphocytes, helps to reduce the content of serum immune complexes, increase the phagocytic index. Conclusions. The mechanism of implementing the therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture in patients with spilled infectious and inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial region and neck on the basis of the results of their own research and analysis of special literature is the basis for the practical application of this therapeutic effect in the rehabilitation of patients of this category, confirmed by the principles of evidence-based medicine. The generalized information about the mechanisms of electroacupuncture therapeutic effects in the spilled inflammatory processes maxillofacial area will contribute to their wider implementation in practical health care which will reduce mortality, disability rates in patients of this category and consequently improve the quality of specialized medical care.

Keywords: electroacupuncture, mechanism of action, infectious-inflammatory process, phlegmon

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