The sports training effectiveness is assessed by its effect on the human body via the state of cardiovascular system. The purpose of the study was to determine the impact of sports training on the functional possibilities of the cardiovascular system of juniors aged 17-21. Material and methods. 135 students studying at Vinnytsia universities took part in the study. 120 athletes were divided into 6 groups depending on the mode of muscular work energy supply. We also formed a separate group of students who are not engaged in sports (15 males). The function of the cardiovascular system of youth was evaluated by the reaction of arterial vessels to metered physical work (by the indicator of diastolic blood pressure), as well as on the ability to recover after termination of work (by the parameters of blood pressure and heart rate). Results and discussion. Classes cycling and playing sports (performance of muscle work of which is connected with the mixed mode of power supply); complex coordination (performance of physical exercises is caused by anaerobic (alactate) mode by metabolism) and martial arts (performance of muscular work is associated with anaerobic (lactate) mode of power supply) contribute to the improvement of the cardiovascular system functional possibilities. This was manifested by the positive reaction of arterial vessels to metered physical activity and acceleration of recovery of heart rate and blood pressure after metered physical loads of 1 watts and 2 watts per 1 kg of body weight. The smallest percentage of students with positive reaction of arterial vessels to metered physical activity, as well as with a slow recovery of heart rate and blood pressure were detected among students who were not engaged in sports and representatives of power sports. These individuals are involved in the performing of physical exercises with anaerobic (alactate) processes of metabolism. Conclusions. The regular exercises, except the lessons of power sports, have a positive effect to the functional possibilities of the cardiovascular system of juniors aged 17-21.
Keywords: junior athletes, heart rate, arterial pressure, recovery
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