ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 36 of 44
УЖМБС 2019, 4(2): 242–245
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

The Importance of Inter-Department Integration for Training Dental Professionals according to the International Standards of Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2015

Kramar S. B., Horshkova A. E.

The article considers the quality issues of dental specialists training, possibilities of integration between theoretical and clinical departments and ways of its implementation. The international standard ISO 9001:2015 quality management system proposes systematic work of the higher educational establishment academic staff according to objectification of the certification activities assessment, grading standards of students and quality check-up of post-graduate training. Different forms of high school teachers’ work with students are considered to improve specialists training quality. Authors emphasize the necessity to take into consideration the specificity of dentists training on different stages of work from planning to practical activities. Detailed covering of certain themes, expanding specific themes during lectures, clinical department practitioners’ work with first year students, joint scientific publications of theoretical and clinical departments and junior students allow influencing on improvement of the academic process. Clinical dental departments can support youth interest in mastering the theoretical sciences. The meetings of student scientific societies with specialists from theoretical departments and clinicians, young scientists, senior students will stimulate first-year students to work harder at theoretical subjects, increase their motivation in mastering of theoretical knowledge. Participating in student scientific conferences will develop students self-studying, widen their world view will give public report skills, learn students to gain different levels of their education step by step, independence, initiative in search and deposition of knowledge, create conditions for harmonic development of student personality. The planning and organization of the educational process for students of dentistry needs to be discussed at inter-departmental methodological meetings to find out the topics that are most relevant, which require a greater amount of study hours. For example, the topic "Development and structure of teeth" is taught by both the Department of Human Anatomy, and the Department of Histology. It is necessary to plan individual work for junior students taking into consideration their preparation and abilities together with clinical departments in order to consolidate and deepen students knowledge, professional skills and abilities to form practical interest in mastering and gaining of teaching material in students. For example, it can be making teeth preparations of different modern materials or either jaw models with buttresses or other interesting practical work. Fulfilling individual tasks on academic subject will stimulate the development of student motivation to their study and deepening professional scientific and practical student interest, it will also form professional skills, knowledge, abilities of future specialists. The inter-department integration stimulates forming the intellectual culture work in students and joint publications with specialists of the theoretical and clinical department. Review of modern scientific literature, search for information sources on the article subject, information sources analysis are a short list of works that a student can do under supervising of a specialist. Mastering the literature review is important for further for self-education. It is necessary to determine the importance of information classification, its consequent presentation that will be useful for working with patients and colleagues.

Keywords: inter-department integration, quality of training, dental specialists

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