ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 31 of 44
УЖМБС 2019, 4(2): 207–213

Predictors of the Course of Inflammatory Parodontal Diseases in Adolescent Girls with Menstrual Dysfunction

Kliuchka Ye. A., Sokolova I. I., Tuchkina I. A., Piontkovskaya O. V.

The article deals with the development of predictors of severity of inflammatory parodontal diseases in adolescent girls with menstrual dysfunction. The predictors were determined using a non-uniform sequential Wald-Genkin procedure. The conducted studies showed that all types of indicators revealed a natural value, which allowed forming a generalized prognostic method. The severity and duration of parodontal diseases depend on factors affecting the relationship between bacteria and the microorganism, for example, endocrine changes during puberty, the use of drugs, exhaustion. The purpose of this study was to develop predictors of severe inflammatory parodontal diseases in adolescent girls with menstrual dysfunction. Material and methods. We studied 110 clinical and paraclinical indicators, the values of which were divided into gradations with the subsequent deduction of prognostic criteria and informativeness of the trait. The examination of patients included the study of their disease histories, life, obstetric history of the mother, genealogical history of parents and grandparents, lifestyle of adolescents, objective dental status and additional research methods. Results and discussion. Using the developed algorithm based on the proposed predictors we carried out the prediction by algebraically summing the prognostic criteria until the prognostic threshold was reached, which for a 95% level of reliability was ≥ 13.0. The presence of such predictors allowed the clinicians to individualize preventive measures and remedies and increase their effectiveness. Predictors of inflammatory parodontal diseases severity in the studied patients were determined using a non-uniform sequential Wald-Genkin procedure. The obtained results showed that in the pathogenesis of parodontitis in adolescent girls a significant role was played by dysregulation of the menstrual cycle and, associated with it, the processes of phasing the inflammatory process progression in the oral cavity. The highest prognostic information, concerning the determination of the severity of inflammatory parodontal diseases in adolescent girls with menstrual dysfunction, lied in the data on the degree of comorbidity in adolescents, foremothers and forefathers, the presence of combined anomalies of the dental-maxillary system, the density of the bone periodontal areas, the degree of cavity dysbiosis mouth and caries intensity. The established criteria for predicting the severity of inflammatory parodontal diseases in adolescent girls with menstrual dysfunction allowed predicting the severity of the course of this pathology with a reliability of ≥ 95% and helped individualize the purpose of preventive measures. Conclusions. The development of prognostic criteria for the development of parodontal diseases in adolescent girls with menstrual dysfunction is of great importance for determining the severity of oral cavity inflammatory diseases, anomalies of the further development of the dental system, the number of relapses of chronic diseases, oral dysbacteriosis and the degree of endocrine disorders. Predictors also allowed determining the systemic development of the local process and the protective and adaptive mechanisms of the whole organism. The results indicated the feasibility of using the predictors of severity of inflammatory parodontal diseases in adolescent girls with menstrual dysfunction in dental practice.

Keywords: predictors, inflammatory parodontal diseases, menstrual dysfunction, adolescent girls

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