УЖМБС 2019, 4(2): 195–200 https://doi.org/10.26693/jmbs04.02.195Social medicine and organization of health care
Diseases of Students from the View Point of Family Doctor
Lytvyn O. I. 1, Adamovych I. V. 1, Nikolenko Е. Ya. 1, Bakumenko M. G. 2- 1 - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
- 4, Svobody Sq., Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine
- 2 - City Student Hospital
- 8/10, Darwin St., Kievsky district, Kharkiv 61002, Ukraine
The publication outlines the problem of preserving the health of the younger generation of Ukraine due to that fact that the health of the young population is the highest value of the social and socio-economic development of each country. The article addresses the issue of susceptibility of the student population to diseases that are among the ten leading causes of death of the population according to WHO reports.
Material and methods. The publication analyzes the current state of health of the students. It also analyzes the incidence and prevalence of the diseases that are prognostically unfavorable among students studying at universities of Kharkiv using the data of Kharkiv City Student Hospital for 2016-2017, according to the indicators recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for health statistics. The analysis of the incidence and prevalence of the diseases among the population of the country per 100 thousand people in 2016-17 and the average number of deaths per 100 thousand people in Ukraine in 2016-17 were conducted.
Results and discussion. We conducted a comparative analysis of the incidence rate of the diseases causing the greatest number of deaths in the world according to WHO data in students studying in Kharkiv universities for 2016-2017 with similar incidence rates in Ukraine on the whole during the same reporting period, as well as with indicators of seeking medical help during physical education at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.
Conclusions. The obtained results showed that the majority of population as well as students had the diseases of the circulatory system which remain the greatest threat to life. When planning preventive studies, students are recommended to focus on the diagnosis of these diseases and carry out their prophylaxis using the latest world-wide techniques. The features inherent in the student cohort of the population are identified, appropriate preventive measures are proposed.
The article outlines the problem of preserving the health of the younger generation of Ukraine, analyzes the current state of health of students, and gives recommendations on the prevention of the most dangerous diseases in terms of mortality among young students.
Keywords: students incidence rate, circulatory system diseases, neoplasms, traumas, poisoning
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