ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 22 of 44
УЖМБС 2019, 4(2): 149–153
Clinical Medicine

Biochemical Markers of the Functional State of the Liver during Giardiasis

Morozenko D. V. 1, Gliebova K. V. 1, Ivannikova S. V. 2, Geyderikh O. G. 1, Shapovalova O. V. 1, Derevyanko A. V. 1

The article deals with the definition of the clinical and diagnostic value of biochemical markers of the functional state of the liver in giardiasis. The purpose of the study was to analyze the clinical and diagnostic value of biochemical markers of blood in patients with giardiasis detected by the method of immunoassay analysis. Material and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of the diagnostic laboratory of state of emergency "Alvis-Klas" in 2018. 12 patients with giardiasis, 18-30 years of age, including six men and six women, were examined. A control group consisted of 10 clinically healthy people aged from 20 to 30 including five men and five women. The study of total antibodies to giardiasis in the blood of patients was performed by ELISA according to the instructions with the use of the sets of the company "Vector-Best" and the calculation of the index of positivity. Results and discussion. The index of positivity was evaluated as follows: less than 0.90 – the result is negative (in humans blood does not have antibodies against lamblia), 0.90-1.10 is a doubtful result requiring repetition of research, higher than 1.10 is a positive result meaning that a patient has a chronic or an acute form of giardiasis. The lamblia antibody test is a part of complex studies with suspicion of giardiasis, but it is an indirect method, and it is less accurate than that of human feces. This indicates the presence of acute or chronic forms of giardiasis in patients. The method of immunoassay in giardiasis diagnostics showed that the positivity index ranged from 1.36 to 2.30 (Me = 1.75), indicating the presence of patients with acute or chronic form of giardiasis. In patients with giardiasis, the cytolysis syndrome was reflected in an increase in the activity of AlAT and AsAT by 91.70 and 64.75 %, respectively, indicating the destruction of hepatocytes due to toxic liver damage. Cholestasis syndrome in patients with giardiasis increased the alkaline phosphatase activity by 90.20 %, which may indicate bile stagnation in the liver ducts and development of inflammatory process such as cholangitis. Conclusions. An individual examination on the basis of biochemical analyzes does not always manage to detect a deviation from the norm. At the same time, when analyzing biochemical markers of patients we detected changes in the functional state of the hepatobiliary system which coincided with the results of our studies and proved the prognosis of giardiasis.

Keywords: giardiasis, biochemical markers, AlAT, AsAT, alkaline phosphatase, liver, laboratory diagnostic

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