The article presents the review of professional literature dealing with the important medical and social problem – the periodontal disease which arises and progresses on the background of a metabolic syndrome. According to the WHO, a metabolic syndrome is called "a noninfectious epidemy of XXI century" due to its high prevalence, which reaches 25-30% of the adult population and has attracted the attention of doctors all over the world. The concept of metabolic syndrome includes tissue insulin-resistance, hypertriglyceridemia, reduction of high density lipoprotein cholesterol and hypertension. Metabolic syndrome leads to abnormal metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and hyperglycemia arises, which in turn can provoke many systemic pathologies. There are many chronic pathological processes associated with the development of long-term hyperglycemia and cardiovascular often isolated violations and periodontal disease. Like diseases of the cardiovascular system, periodontal disease, complicated by a diabetic condition, has a more aggressive course and development. The main factor in the formation of metabolic syndrome is insulin resistance, which leads to severe cardiovascular disorders such as myocardial infarction, stroke, localization of vascularization in periodontal tissues, which not only provide the onset, but may complicate the course and treatment of periodontal diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all these aspects when planning the periodontal treatment of this group of patients. Periodontitis is an infectious-conditioned illness that provokes in most cases gram-negative microorganisms of a biofilm. In the manifestations of periodontal disease, the presence of not only a microbial factor, but also a sensitive substrate, which will give an immune response, is required. In turn, the immune response leads to the violation of the parodontium structural state, and, as a consequence, the emergence of periodontitis. Conclusions. Abnormal inflammatory response, which is inflammation by hipertypom, associated with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, also increased sensitivity to infections such as periodontal disease. Metabolic syndrome is at the heart of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, which nowadays acquires not only medical but also social significance. This inflammatory periodontal degenerative changes are in relation to factors such as the age of patients, severity of somatic diseases, adequate preventive measures.
Keywords: metabolic syndrome, periodontal disease
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