ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 54 of 56
УЖМБС 2018, 3(6): 334–338
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Conceptual Approaches of Health-Forming Activity in the Process of Physical Education of Primary-School Children

Goncharova N. M.

The article provides information regarding topical issues of the contemporary stage of development of the Ukrainian educational system from the point of protecting primary-school children’s health. We defined the priority approaches of increasing efficiency of health-forming activity in the process of physical education. The study proves the necessity to develop complex approaches to forming children’s health by means of developing the concept of health-forming technologies in the process of physical education of primary-school children. The purpose of the study was to justify conceptual approaches to health forming activity of primary-school children in the process of physical education as a component of the author’s theory. Material and methods. While conducting the research we used data analysis and generalization from scientific and methodological resources, Internet sources, content analysis, concept and term analysis, theoretical and methodological analysis. Results and discussion. The author justifies the leading position of the scientific approach in providing physical education for primary-school children from the point of protecting children’s health. The conceptual approaches to theory functioning, namely systematic, synergetic, activity, dialectical, person-oriented, differentiated, axiological, participative, sociocultural ones are defined. The meaning of each conceptual approach and necessity of their implementation in the health-forming process are described. Conclusions. The topicality of the problem of protecting school-aged children’s health is proved. The main reasons of low efficiency of physical education regarding formation of children’s health are identified: low health conditions, violations of static-dynamic regime, low level of motor performance, low level of engagement into a healthy life style, which demand taking immediate actions regarding formation of children’s health are distinguished. We determined the theory of health-forming technologies in the process of physical education of primary-school children. This theory functions by approaches on the conditions of introducing general scientific level of methodology as well as particular scientific level of methodology.

Keywords: theory, conceptual approaches, physical education, health formation

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