ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 2 of 56
УЖМБС 2018, 3(6): 14–19
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Structural Reconstruction of Lymphatic Nodes after Experimental Obesity

Harapko T. V. 1, Mateshuk-Vatseba L. R. 2

Obesity is one of the most common metabolic diseases in the world, which is growing to become epidemic. Obesity is a chronic relapsing disease manifested by excessive accumulation of adipose tissue and is the result of an imbalance of energy consumption and its expenditure in individuals with hereditary predisposition or in its absence. The purpose of the research was to establish the histological changes in the structural components of the mesentery and iliac lymph nodes of the rats due to different terms of experimental obesity. Material and methods. We conducted a study on 66 white rats of reproductive age (4.0-5.0 months) weighing 160-220 g. Microanatomy of the structural components of the lymph nodes of white rats under conditions of physiological norm was investigated on 10 intact animals. Experimental animals were divided into 4 groups. Each group had 5 male rats and 5 female rats. High-calorie diet was achieved due to the fact that food was added sodium glutamate at a dose of 0.07g/kg of body weight of the rat, and in water – 20% solution of fructose. Control was provided by 16 white rats, who instead of a high-calorie diet received a standard diet of vivariums. Results and discussion. After 5-6 weeks of experiment, the number of secondary lymphoid nodules in the cortex of the mesenteric and iliac lymph nodes increased both in male and female rats. After 7-8 weeks of experiment the amount of adipose tissue increased around the organ. Arteries with thickened walls and veins were deformed, expanded and full-blooded. The subcapsular sinus enlarged. Medullary sinus enlarged too. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted study we noted that the relative area of the B-dependent zone increased in male and female rats and the T-dependent zones decreased. Similar changes can lead to redistribution of activity in the direction of humoral immune response. There were signs of constant immune activity. The pathological changes deepened with an increase in the duration of the experiment.

Keywords: obesity, experiment, T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, lymph nodes

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