Professional chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a topical issue of modern medicine, and occupies to 60 % of all occupational diseases. At the same time, the peculiarities of the course of dust-toxic bronchitis in workers of aluminum production are not sufficiently studied. The purpose of the study was to research the clinical features of the appearance, course of dust-toxic bronchitis in workers of aluminum production. Material and methods. We examined 70 workers of aluminum production with COPD (dust-toxic bronchitis) and 70 ferrous metallurgy workers with the same diagnosis. The program of research included objective examination, detection of concomitant diseases, using X-ray of the lungs, spirography, electrocardiography and echocardiography. Results and discussion. Dust-toxic bronchitis developed in workers of aluminum industry at the younger age and with less job tenure than in workers of ferrous metallurgy. Workers of aluminum industry are characterized by more severe course of dust-toxic bronchitis, which is associated with higher incidence of subcompensated pulmonary heart disease and lung hypertension (70 %). Workers of aluminum industry are characterized by more significant frequent occurrence of arterial hypertension (48.57 %), coronary heart disease (34.28 %), thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery (10 %), pathology of vein (17.1 %), teeth (14.2 %), and joints (65.7 %). Electrocardiography findings, including tachycardia, bradycardia, extrasystoles, atrial fibrillation, blockades, and hypertrophy of left ventricle were more often diagnosed in aluminum industry stuff (71.4 %). Conclusions. Workers of aluminum industry are characterized by more severe course of dust-toxic bronchitis and more frequent occurrence of associated diseases. These particulars of dust-toxic bronchitis course are explained by toxic effect of fluorides, which are absent in ferrous metallurgy. We recommend appointing additional tests to identify the concomitant pathology and adjust treatment for diagnosing and treatment of patients with dust-toxic bronchitis, engaged in the production of aluminum.
Keywords: aluminum production, ferrous and non-ferrous metal industry, COPD, dust-toxic bronchitis
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