УЖМБС 2018, 3(5): 322–326 https://doi.org/10.26693/jmbs03.05.322Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport
The Level of Psycho-Emotional Persistence Manifestation and Composites of Psychophysiological State in Sport Dances
Korobeynikov G. V. 1, Mishko V. V. 2- 1 - National university of physical training and sport of Ukraine
- 1, Fizkultury St., Kyiv 02000, Ukraine
- 2 - Uzhhorod National University
- 3, Narodna Square, Uzhhorod, Transcarpathian region 88000, Ukraine
The increasing of requirements to the professional qualities of athletes and their success depends not only on general physical and special preparedness but also on the ability to withstand the effects of extreme and stress situation. In other words the success of athletes depends on manifestation and development of psycho-emotional stability. The purpose of the study was to examine relation between the level of psycho-emotional stability and factors of the psychophysiological state of elite dancers. All psychophysiological state factors affect the manifestation of success in sport dances directly or indirectly.
Having analyzed many sources of scientific literature, we did not find data about relation between psycho-emotional stability and factors of psychophysiological state in sport dances. Psychophysiological stability is one of the most important characteristics of elite sport dancers.
Material and methods. We examined the level of psycho-emotional stability, psychical process: perception, thinking, attention, capacity, fatigue, anxiety and subjective comfort or discomfort in elite dancers with the help of psychodiagnostics complex «Multupsychometers-05». 16 pairs of elite dancers aged 15-18 were divided into two groups for studying the level of psycho-emotional stability.
Results and discussion. Taking into account the fact that the accuracy indicator correlated with the concentration of attention, it was obvious that in athletes with a high level of psycho-emotional stability, this mental process had a higher level of manifestation while fulfilling the cognitive task. Accordingly, performance and productivity indicators reflected the character of athletes' operational thinking. Thus, dancers with a high level of psychoemotional stability have a more qualitative manifestation of operational thinking while performing a task involving verbal stimuli.
Conclusions. We revealed some indirect links between the level of psycho-emotional stability and such psychical processes as concentration of attention and quality characteristics of operation thinking. The study of psychophysiological state showed that sustainability to stress factors was accompanied by mobilization of mechanisms of emotional tension. As a result there was observed an increase in the level of anxiety, fatigue of nervous system and decline of sensation of subjective comfort. Obtained results reflected the «price» of adaptation due to mobilization in conditions of psycho-emotional tension in elite dancers.
Keywords: elite dancers, level of psycho-emotion stability, psychical process
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