The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of scoliosis on the general immunological reactivity of children aged 11-14 with scoliosis. The material and methods. The study involved 43 children aged from 11 to 14. 19 patients (9 boys and 10 girls) were with I and II degree scoliosis. The control group consisted of 24 healthy children (12 boys and 12 girls). For research we took a capillary blood sample in the morning before eating. Counting of leukocytes was carried out in the chamber Goryaev, the leukocyte formula was studied in blood smears stained by the Romanovsky-Gimsa method in a light microscope of the company "Olympus" (Germany). We used an integration test and an adaptation index, calculated from the ratio of the relative number of lymphocytes and segmental neutrophilic leukocytes. Results and discussion. Results of studying the general immunological reactivity of the body of children with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 years were lower than those of almost healthy boys of the corresponding age by the value of the index of the ratio of lymphocytes and monocytes by 14.36%, the index of the ratio of eosinophils and lymphocytes – by 40.0% and the index of allergy – by 23.19%. However, the formation of scoliosis in boys aged 11-14 contributes to an increase in immunological reactivity of the ratio of lymphocytes and eosinophils to 39.02%, neutrophil lymphocytic coefficient – 13.18%, the ratio of agranulocytes and ESR – by 19, 23%. Despite this, the increase in the immune reactivity index of boys with scoliosis was lower by 16.71% compared with the immune reactivity of the organism in practically healthy boys of the corresponding age. In girls with scoliosis at the age of 11-14, the level of immunological reactivity was reduced by 13.10%, the ratio of eosinophils and lymphocytes – by 60.0%, the index of hypersensitivity – by 31.08%, and the index of immune reactivity by 16.06%. At the same time, in girls with scoliosis at the age of 11-14 in comparison with almost healthy girls, the index of the ratio of lymphocytes and eosinophils increased by 53.17%, the index of leukocyte displacement – by 11.73%, the neutrophilic-lymphocyte coefficient – by 15 , 76%, the index of the ratio of agranulocytes and ESR – by 12,94%. Both healthy girls aged 11-14 years, and girls with scoliosis of the same age, had a slightly higher overall immunological reactivity of the body than boys with scoliosis of this age, especially the index of the ratio of lymphocytes and monocytes by 20.68% and the index immune reactivity – by 21.35%. However, girls with scoliosis had lower neutrophilic-lymphocyte coefficient (by 5.96%) and a ratio of agranulocytes and ESR (by 8.35%) than boys with scoliosis at the age of 11-14. Conclusions. Immunological reactivity depends not only on sex, but it also carries a clear dependence on age. With age, the immunological reactivity of the boys and girls with scoliosis increases. Individual immunological reactivity of the body of children (boys and girls) with scoliosis is characterized by different values of indicators. Prospects for further research. The next stage of our study will be dedicated to investigating the effect of the organic defect of the vertebral column on the level of adaptive tension, immunological reactivity of the body of children aged 11-14 with scoliosis.
Keywords: scoliosis, children aged 11-14, immunological reactivity
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