The purpose of the study was to substantiate the use of “dry” carbonic baths in sanatorium-resort rehabilitation for children with oncohematological diseases. It was revealed that the children’s well being improved after the treatment offered. Material and methods. The sanatorium-resort complex included a general spontaneous mode, motor regimen (morning hygienic gymnastics, dosed walking, and medical gymnastics with breathing gymnastics), maximum aeration (games on the air, walks by the sea, in the park); tightening procedures (air baths, foot washing before bedtime with a gradual decrease in water temperature). In the complex of sanatorium-resort rehabilitation, artificial "dry" carbonic baths were used on the upper and lower extremities using the following method: the rate of flow of carbon dioxide was 15-20 l / min, the temperature of the gas mixture – 37-38°С, the CO2 concentration of the procedures № 1-3 –10%, procedures № 4-7 –15%, and procedures № 8-10 –20%, duration – 10-15 minutes. In the remission period of 3 to 5 years, the course duration was 8 procedures, more than 5 years – 10 procedures. The device SUMM-M.00.008PS was used for "dry" carbonic baths. Results and discussion. The complaints of patients on the predominance of nervous system disorders disappeared (25.0%) or in most cases decreased the degree of their expressiveness (75.0%). According to the data of ultrasound dopplerographia, 70% of children in rehabilitation had normal circulation of blood through the cerebral arteries. Venous disgemia was recorded twice compared to baseline data. Venous stasis of the third degree was not registered. The incidence of intracranial hypertension decreased from 90.0 to 50.0%. In terms of ultrasound EchoG, there was an improvement in liquorodynamics in the form of decrease in the ripple index by half and the frequency of recording additional Echo signals more than threefold in 70.0% of the sick children. Electrogenesis was characterized by normalization of the bioelectrical activity of the brain, which was accompanied by stabilization of the functional activity of the cortex in 70.0% of children. We also fixed an improvement by 12.7% in the indicators of "quality of life".
Keywords: children, oncohematological diseases, nervous system, sanatorium-resort rehabilitation, "dry" carbonic baths
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